
Showing posts from 2011

Happy boxing day? LOL

MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS EVERYONE~ Well there isn't really a point in saying that, right... But anyway.. Christmas went like... How it went for the past few years. Except for the fact that I was doing something more productive now. Work. Ah well, I'm not a christian so.... Oh by the way, I went to Amanda's Christmas party the night before. I never really been to a Christmas party before, and I wonder if all they do during parties are... Playing Duelmasters? LOL. But yeah, the food was great... The "sharing time" with Mingwei was great, everything was great except for the fact that... I MISSED MY LAST BUS (because Samuel had to use 5 minutes for every turn when playing dm) So I spent my night over at Jeremy's house. Watching random videos on TV. He had a computer TV, so it was pretty cool... And yeah.. Time flies like that. Kinda realised my dm deck is getting from bad to worse, mainly cuz I've been trying to stuff all my good cards inside... I forgot my ve


*things to do when you're bored at work* It's already been 4 days since I started working. Happy to say that I've already earned ~$160. Much better than rotting at home doing nothing. Basically, the job at NTUC Fairprice ain't that difficult... Ain't that difficult for $6.70 an hour, that is. But my team leader expects me to do stuff on my own already.. Like.. it's only my 4th day! ): But it's still manageable... Restock stuff, clean stuff, package stuff... I should be a little more independent.. Oh, and there's a idiotic part of the night shift. The stock comes in at around 9pm (usually late), so I have to unload all the stock into trolleys and push them around, with some people. And the stock includes boxes of fruits, cartons of fruits, mainly _____ of fruits.. They're pretty heavy, and I should stop using my back and use my knees when carrying those shit. When I'm working, time flies really quickly, so it's a good thing. Looking forward to

Last day (?) of freedom.

Outing with COC syndicate mates today. Carls' Jr. meal at $9.70. That was like fucking expensive. At least it had more value for money than the salad... Watched Happy Feet 2 with the free movie tickets won from the SMA thingy. I have to say, Happy Feet 2 was a disappointment (compared to the first movie). Rather boring and kiddish, wouldn't recommend it unless you're bringing your little ones to the cinema. The rest of the group went to Marina Barrage later on, but Shei and I didn't follow cuz we can't reach home late. Or maybe we're just lazy. Ah well~ STARTING WORK TOMORROW! Stock replenisher (saikang warrior) at AMK hub Fairprice. Do drop by, and see me working like a slave. Fruits and veg section btw. 6 day work week seems really... Ah screw it, I need the money, so I shouldn't be complaining. ): what did i hear?

A new beginning.

*If you can spot me in the picture, I'm actually holding back my smile LOL* So yeah... 3 weeks of Cadet Officers' Course ended like that. Time flies so quickly eh. I don't think I have any regrets in joining this course. I kinda enjoyed myself.. And the company of my syndicate mates. Ah well. We have to move on at some point of time in life... Just like OBS, my NCO life and my secondary school life. But the bonds we share will stay with us forever. *sniff sniff* Although I can't say I put in my best effort throughout the course, I didn't have any regrets. Or at least, I think I don't. What's next is my life as a Cadet Officer. So many things to do... Well basically, it's just 2 things. This and that . So many. @_@ I hope I can be good leader in the eyes of my juniors... And not someone to be hated. Juggling my NCC life, poly life and maybe work is not going to be easy. But rest assured guys, I'm gonna do my best. And show some people that I'm wo
6 MORE DAYS TO ENDURE!!! (6 more days in camp) I really hope my friends can wait for me... I feel that I have been losing contact with all of them. It's just... Report to hq, reach home and sleep. Report to hq, reach home and sleep. Report to hq, reach home and sleep. Report to hq, reach home and sleep. And my duelmasters deck is rotting I can actually see mould growing on them (okay that was a joke).. I want my life back... JUST 6 MORE DAYS DAMMIT ENDURE BWARFGH WTFWASD I need to control myself zzz


I WOKE UP AT 2PM TODAY. I guess the last 5 days of waking up at 6am has incurred a "sleep debt" in my body. But it should be like... Since I usually wake up at 10am, (10-6) x 5 = 20 hours?! So I have yet to repay ~5 hours of sleep debt. Fuck that, that doesn't make any sense. LOL So the first week of my COC went like... *whoosh* Meaning to say it was pretty fast.. LOL I learnt a lot more about leadership, though the first week was mainly lectures. And things I never thought the mind could do. Although the Singapore River trail was pretty tiring, we kinda scraped through it.. And I got this blister on my ankle. Which still hurts now.. :\ The most "ridiculous" thing that week was that we had to learn "dining etiquette". Seems pretty stupid to y'all, but since we have a dining in session next week, it was inevitable. And I learnt that there's much more than just poking your food and eating it. "First impression is of paramount importance"


Time to get something I haven't been getting for a long time. A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. So.. Goodnight. Shall blog about my first week of the course... Tomorrow. If I feel like it..


My 3 week long cadet officer course starts tomorrow. And I've yet to get my uniform ready.. So I actually figured out what's gonna happen during the 3 weeks, and I will actually be missing out on a lot of stuff. ): Like RED camp... And a job offer (with most of my classmates?) And blah blah blah. Also, I have to turn up for the course on the day after prom. So it's like... Partaye till 12am +++, sleep at 2am... Wake up at 6am the next day. MAJOR TURNOFF WTF LOL But I really hope the course turns out to be.... A little fun? And a little less strict please. We volunteered to come back so you all shouldn't treat us badly. :D Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So for the next 3 weeks, don't call/message me from 8am to 5pm (weekdays). And don't miss me. ): Ahh whatever as if anyone will. Wait, you probably won't.


When your computer plays tricks on you.. Well.. YOU KNOW YOU SUCK.

life's a boar.

The weather's really good nowadays. Like, really good. And everyone's going shopping for their prom clothes and yadda yadda yadda and here I am rotting at home. Finding stuff to do, playing suddenattack, finding stuff to eat, playing gameboy, finding uybgfiou1bf1. Yeah. That's life for me. Oh I just realised some of you guys still have your mother tongue papers. THIS POST IS NOT WRITTEN TO PICK ON YOU GUYS. But I'm sure many of you will experience the same thing from next week on. Now I'm actually thinking, maybe going for the 3 week long cadet officer course is not really a bad thing. But it's sure to get boring. Like wth, EVERYTHING gets boring. I need stuff to doooooooooooo qfkjqnfjkn1jrb1 Kk so today I went to the gym in the afternoon.. Went to watch Xincong play LAN later on... And there was a comp that was "logged in" to the admin account, so I used it for free. The comp went to screensaver mode so I hovered the cursor. I did not commit any cri

I have nothing against stupid people.

Alright guys. All of you gotta stop posting all that gory crap online. Yes, especially on Facebook. I think Facebook lost it's purpose of being a "social networking site" a long time ago.. Now it's just "hey look at this disgusting shit, take pity and share the joy". Seriously guys. Stop it. Firstly, it irks the shit out of people. Especially some people who are afraid of blood, have heart failure and etc. Have you even thought of them before sharing such crap? Secondly, nobody gives a fuck. And lastly, it's lame. And before you guys actually say that "this guy deserves to die because he killed the dog" or whatever fuck, have you ever thought of what they may be going through? They may be killings puppies and shit. But they may have a family to feed. (as quoted from a sensible man) You guys fail to view this perception because you are all simple minded. Or just take the easier way out. Don't give a shit. As if posting them up is gonna help

You buy iPad and iPhone 4S... FOR FUCK?!?!?!

I was happy that all my O level written papers are over, and my computer is back from repair. Now wtf. My dad got a fucking iPhone 4s. WHY THE FUCK. HE CAN'T EVEN USE THE IPAD PROPERLY. ALL HE KNOWS HOW TO DO IS DOWNLOAD SHIT APPS, SEX RELATED CRAP AND A WHOLE LOT OF SHIT. Now he wants me to waste my precious relaxation time to - Sync crap tones to his iPhone - Sync crap songs to his iPhone - Sync crap photos to his iPhone Seriously dad, if you're such a motherfucking moron, STOP TRYING TO ACT ALL TECH SAVVY AND BUY RETARDED WORTHLESS SHIT WHICH YOU CAN'T EVEN OPERATE. And most importantly, stop wasting my time. I don't have much time to relax. Annoyed as fuck. Once again, I shall post this.

The cpu is gone...

NO MORE COMPUTER FOR ME. Blogging from my itouch, not that bad actually. :D BUT WTF WHY CANNOT PUT THE PICTURE ON TOP?!?!

I don't give a f*ck.

Why do I care so much. Do you own things. For all I care.


O levels practical is over. Well, you're know you're screwed if... For bio practical: - The potato strips don't shrink/fatten when immersed in the fucking salt solution or whatever solution. - You try to taste the solution. - You have no idea which part of a potato grows into a new plant. For chem practical: - You spill solid samples on the table. - You get GREY precipitate. - They tell you to identify ions, and you write ammonium ions AND ammonia ions. Well, it's over.. Ahyayayayayayaya not giving a shit~ :D

Graduation day!

So... 4 years of my secondary school life ended today. It seems like... The day when I first entered this school was just yesterday... But nonetheless, the 4 years in AMKSS had been great. I made awesome friends, awesome enemies too.. I seen my results slip and rise again... I fell out of ____ so many times... But... it's all over now. Or is it? HELL NO, THERE'S STILL O LEVELS. After that's done, I just have to settle some unfinished business and I'm a free man. Sure we quarrel, have disagreements and whatever. But let me tell you one thing: "I LOVE ALL OF MY FRIENDS!" Wish you guys all the best for your upcoming exams... And don't forget about me! ): I think I've wrote a personal dedication to my lower sec mates before, so here's for my Sec 4 mates. Dedications available upon request. :D Clarence: OKAY DON'T FREAK OUT LOL. Thanks for being such a handsome, fit and nice friend. Truth is, I don't love you (I'M SURE YOU KNOW THAT). But an


Went to Theng's condo to study today with Shei, JP, Bryan, and sheep. Magnificent condo in the middle of nowhere. Like in the middle of Yio Chu Kang and Yishun. :\ So.. Did one amath paper. Productive. Whatever. It's gonna be one of the last few times I'm hanging out with my friends... So why not take a few pictures? T_T Graduation's tomorrow... T_T DAMN I'M GONNA MISS YOU ALL. *rejected* *mare* Take a picture, will ya? Awesome view from the 13th storey. We went for a swim after studying.. It's been a while since the last time I went to swim. And... I can't swim really well so I drank a lot of water. *edit* WATER WRESTLING WAS FUN! But it's good to be floating around after some "intensive" studying... How I wish for O levels to be over soon. :\ Note to self: GRADUATION'S TOMORROW! *sad face*


Study study study study study (repeat 1000x) ... Went to amk library to study again. And sure, it was productive and yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah wtfwasd I'm sure some of you don't wanna hear me talk about how well I studied and shit. Sure there are many more things to talk about like.... The fact that there's only 2 schooling days left and... Instead of spending quality time with your friends you are studying your ass off? I know that studying is important, but... Take a chill pill yeah. Maybe take some time to look outside the window and reflect... OMG A MOTH *takes a picture* *yawns* It's the last 2 schooling days left in amkss. I don't ask for much, just... PUT YOUR FUCKING BOOKS DOWN FOR 2 DAYS AND DO SOME CRAZY STUFF IN SCHOOL. Live like there's no tomorrow. Study like you're doing it everyday. I bet you guys even forgot how to live. ~Graduation post coming up. Watch this space. :D~
Today will be the first and the last time I skip school without a valid reason. wtf.


Went to find my good old friend Hendrik today morning, just to get some Duel Masters cards for upgrading my deck. (Less than a month to O levels, what am I doing... -_-) But oh well, I guess it ain't wrong to have a little bit of fun, right guys? Hah. And anyway, he's grown quite a lot.. The last time I saw him was like a year ago.. And today I just got fucked when he literally over-towered me. I wonder if all my primary school brothers were that tall. Or is it just me that's lagging behind? *prays for raging hormones* Anyway, thanks Hendrik! So ironic eh. Went to study with Samuel, Jeremy and Jesmine in the afternoon. Engkiat and Xincong joined us later on. And I must say, it was rather productive! Except for the fact that 3 pure Physics students were pondering over a combined Physics question for like 10 minutes. Hahahaha. Alright. Time for a resolve. I shall stop hating people (as much as I can). Quoted from a sensible book: "Suppressing or repressing anger doesn

asian smiley face.

I AM BORED AS HELL. And I didn't study a single bit for today. -_-

Sara Bareilles - Gonna Get Over You

I'm not getting over anyone, but this is a great song. Watch the video too! (although the thumbnail looks freaking ridiculous LOL) Today was a great day. :D

What the fuck is this feeling?

People that make up a perfect group. - One decent guy. - One jerk. - One gay. - One flirt. - One stubborn kid. What's next? I'm afraid that it will come back again. ... Feel like stuffing myself with fast food now. Well, at least that's something to do that will make me feel better.


This shit freaked me out for a second. P.S I think I inherited my temper from my dad. We were collecting some stuff yesterday, and had to wait in line. After waiting for like 30 minutes, he was like.. " Walao eh , want to give things to us also must make us wait..." His tone and facial expression is SO nostalgic. Okay, it's like mine. Gaud.

Dedicated to a slut in my house.

Yes, this is what I want to do to you, and I hope you'll read this shit too. And since you care so much about "keeping your (puny) face" and "respect", I will not say who this is EXACTLY referring to. Okay so firstly. You want me to comply with your demands just because you have a little problem with staying at home ALONE. Oh, must we run through this again? You are 15 years old, for fuck's sake. FIF-TEEN. People are whipping up meals at as young as 14, and I can't understand why you can't even stay home alone. For a few hours. Or even minutes. So why the fuck must I listen to you just for you to continue being a little piece of shit. Please know that the world doesn't fucking revolve around you. You want to be accepted, change your own fucking self. Secondly, you treat my dad like wtfwasd. Even worse than a friend. You scream at him. You beat him. And it doesn't mean that he don't scold you or whatever, means that he don't give a fuc

Results overview?

So I shall say I have done reasonably well for my Prelim 2s.. It may be nothing to some of you smart people out there, but for me, it was... A great achievement. LOL And I shall continue working hard, despite the fact that after getting it back today, Physics paper 1 really demoralised me like fuck (so much for yesterday's post).. Overview of my results (the ones I know) English: C5 ( ▬ ) Chinese (O levels): A2 ( ▲ ) E Maths: A2 ( ▬ ) A Maths: B4 ( ▲ ) Combined Humanities: E8 ( ▼ ) Screwed up Geography paper like wtfwasd, so yeah. And I'm expected to get a C for Physics.. And fail Combined Science (as usual). But there's still a month! We can all do it~ Goodluck y'all.

Moralised like fuck.

I SEE IMPROVEMENTS! (except for geography) Let's make this last month worth it. IT'S TIME TO ROCK PEOPLE! :DDD

The Cab - Angel With A Shotgun (lyrics)

One of the really good songs I've recently heard.. So I'll upload the lyrics for ya. -If you even bother to sing along- (I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun, An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun...) Get out your guns, battle's begun, Are you a saint, or a sinner? If love's a fight, then I shall die, With my heart on a trigger. They say before you start a war, You better know what you're fighting for. Well baby, you are all that I adore, If love is what you need, a soldier I will be. I'm an angel with a shotgun, Fighting til' the wars won, I don't care if heaven won't take me back. I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe. Don't you know you're everything I have? ... and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight. Sometimes to win, you've got to sin, Don't mean I'm not a believer. ... and major Tom, will sing along. Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer. They say before you start a war, You better

38 days.

How's the prelims, my fellow sec 4s. Pretty good? Well, it was kinda sour for me. But that was not the reason to why I'm eating lemons at the market coffeeshop yesterday. I just like eating them. Good source of Vitamin C okay. So today I went to watch Johnny English Reborn with the 4/1-2/1 dudes after that pathetic 1 hour paper. Which I screwed up as well. Well, all I have to say is that it was indeed a pretty good movie. I laughed my ass off at some parts of the movie.. :D Great comeback by Mr Bean, definitely worth watching. I reached home at ~1pm and got really bored, so I decided to "upgrade" my Nerf Maverick. The videos on Youtube made it seem so easy, but actually the most painful part was... removing the screws. LOL I couldn't find a perfect screwdriver, so I spent around 1 hour (with my mom) to unscrew the whole fucking gun. Felt a great sense of achievement back then, I don't know why.. The whole system of the Nerf Maverick actually isn't THAT com


My younger sister is complaining because my older sister threw rubbish in her rubbish bin. Lol.


I kinda realised. I'm seriously don't feel like blogging nowadays. It's like, something worth remembering happens (like last Sunday), and I'm so determined to update my blog. But when I reach home, settle down, face the comp, I get bored like fuck. Like really fucking sian . A big fat "sorry" to those who really reads my blog and hopes for updates and blahblahblah. But I doubt there are even such people. LOL. Okay so basically.. Sunday my little aunt who was always living with me got married. And my grandma will be kinda lonely so I need to accompany her more. Tough life for me. And also, my aunt's leaving for USA tomorrow for her "honeymoon", LOL. For a whole month. Great. Well, enjoy your time there~ Grandma's... safe in my hands. :\ Lazy to put up pictures, maybe a song will do. Truth guys, truth.

enjoying your sleep?

I hope you guys have been enjoying your sleep for the holidays, and waking up in the afternoon. Well, I didn't have a single good rest this week, except for Thursday. Waking up at around 7am in those mornings. To help my grandma with the groceries. Oh well, I can't help her during my school days anyway so... Worth sacrificing my sleep. Sort of... So we went to Serangoon Interchange last Wednesday. The old one's been replaced by the new air-conditioned interchange, and it's connected to nex (like how the amk interchange is connected to amk hub). I guess the old one's gonna get demolished soon or something. Walking past it kinda brings back memories of my childhood. And how my mother used to bring me here... *sigh* Now I probably won't be needing for my mother to bring me out anymore, LOL. Hmmm, it's only once in a while you get to see an EMPTY bus interchange, no? ~~~ Spent the afternoon cleaning up the house (I didn't do much) and sleeping. Oh, we're


I've been slacking a lot nowadays. Completely no mood for studying... And O level's like less than 2 months away? I don't even know when is the first O level paper. -_-... Ohyeah, I got a 57/80 for emaths paper one. Epic drop in results... But oh well. Let's just pray that the other papers goes well for me. Which... probably wouldn't. sian.


My dad needs to know that it's not only my older sister that's in the wrong. When my younger sis shouts at you, you play play with her, like nothing was wrong. Then just because my older sis brings her boyfriend home, which did not directly offend you, you scream all over the house like a dog. You think you're treating all three of us equally? And now, you're screaming at my mom. Trust me dad, as long as I object it, my jie will NEVER move out when she's 21. When I say it's enough, I mean it. Shut the fuck up. Everything around me seems fucked. What the fuck. Fuck my life.

awesome day out.

It has really been a while since I went out with Saimen, Bonn, and Leslie. Brother Junli and my junior Andrew was there as well. And today, since Saimen asked me whether I wanted to "see them fly", I couldn't say no, right? Anyway, I've got like... a week to study for the next paper. So... No harm experiencing "a day of a kite flyer's life". And it was way more inspiring than I thought it would be! When I saw the kite flying freely in the sky, I felt an immediate affection towards kite flying. (sounds so cliche ). But anyway, it looks really fun! *Saimen flying his kite.* Fyi, this kite is remote controlled, no strings attached. Not those kind of kites you see at Marina Barrage. Yeah, this kind of kite. We slacked around at the GoFlyKite shop throughout the afternoon, playing flight simulators. Memories of my 3-month training for the Basic Aero Wing course suddenly gushed into my head. Man, I kinda miss those days.... Night fly

The bell curve.

Candidates taking GCE ‘O’ Level may feel familiar with term ‘bell curve’. Yes, it is the curve that determines whether candidate will get A1, A2, B3, B4, C5, C6, D7, E8 or F9. There is a quota of students who can get a certain grade (it is harder to get A1 because of the quota despite the ability of a candidate, it all somehow depends on luck). When I was taking GCE ‘O’ Level a year ago, my teachers kept saying “Don’t worry! If the whole Singapore doesn’t do well for (a particular subject), the bell curve will come in handy.” They say only the good thing. And that is for the worst-case scenario. But today, as my Research-Arts teacher Malgosia said, the bell curve isn’t good at all and it is actually bias . In the past almost all universities use the curve to determine whether a student has a good grade or not. Lately, many universities have scrapped the usage of the curve because it is promoting sneakiness, cheating and unhealthy rivalry . Education is supposed to be shared


Yesterday was officially the last day of school.... Before prelim 2. And wtf am I doing here. #@^$@$(**&#)%&#! Anyway, had a really good time yesterday afternoon chatting with Mingkian, Qunhan, Shei and Hanyi about teachers we hate. In conclusion, we hate teachers that show favouritism . I'm sure some of you guys do too. Well, if you're gonna treat them like that, no point doing well for your subject anyway. Just you wait. ~~~ My hair really does grow fast. A week passed, and my hair ain't that prickly anymore. 2 more weeks, and my hair will be all bouncy again. I guess I need a shorter cut next time... BUT CAN IT GO ANY SHORTER? Had a room painting session this afternoon, and couldn't study really well because the paint is smelly. And the house is in quite a mess, LOL. Anyway, my uncle saw me and went.. " 你 好 像 变 肥 了leh." (You look like you've become fatter.) Looks like too much carbohydrates for dinner ain't reall

I did not expect much.



English O Level oral today. Waiting outside the examination room was really boring, and I don't really think the people preparing their "reading aloud" and "picture discussion" could focus because the school is so fucking noisy. Well, how about this. I'm sure you inconsiderate assholes wouldn't want people to be all noisy and distracting you during your major examination. So please , for the next 9 schooling days, stfu. Please spread the word around, the whole school needs to know this. And don't be offended in any way, it's for the better good. If you're a quiet guy/gal, you're cool alright. Especially you guys, stfu. And yeah, I'm sure many of you guys seen my hair today. So.... What the heck is with all the reactions. *laughs immediately* *don't know whether to laugh or to cry* *oooh, nice to touch* Okay, I admit it's nice to touch. But seriously... Is it THAT bad? I think it's pretty...

Happy belated National Day.

Haven't been updating or reviewing my blog lately, I guess I'm getting lazier. Not because I'm THAT occupied with homework/revision/shit. O level's ~90 days away, note to self. 2 days ago: Best way to spend time during a useless school day: KartRider Rush with Junping, Speed and Wank (Xincong). It was boring day, seriously. There wasn't even a need to go to school! And the parade was... ... *no comments* Please note that "no comments" does not mean "speechless". I'm just saying. KartRider retards. Obviously I'm the one showing my teeth and laughing my ass off. IT WAS REALLY FUN. ~~~ Yesterday was not well spent at all. But I finished 3 chapters of Physics anyway. Wait, it was well spent. ~~~ Today: Went to find Xincong at the library this morning, after going all the way to Bedok to carry stuff for my grandma home. I'll be doing that more often, soon. I finished the geog consultation "homework