
Showing posts from 2012


One of the many (okay, only) highlights of my holidays: the boat BBQ with Speed, Theng and gang. How often do you actually get to sit on a boat, enjoy good food with your good friends and "eat wind" with the magnificent view of the country at night? I take this as a "day off" from my usual work-eat-sleep schedule. Let the pictures do the talking. Just about to get on the boat. Would be better if the deck wasn't wet (We had to walk in the rain to get to the jetty, which kinda sucked).. *whoosh* Magnificent night sky. And yeah. I never got seasick, which meant the seasickness pills were effective. We also had a short exploration "campaign" on St. John's island, but didn't go deep as the island was all dark (surprisingly, hardly any light was on).. And also, jumped off the 2nd level of the boat. Not only land of course, into the water. It was fun, but the water was really salty so we just jumped off twice. Headed b

Chronicles of JB - Part 1

You know, sometimes.. It's the smallest things in life that teaches us the biggest lessons. So firstly, I had a day off today. I asked for it so I can finish up most of my (overdue) assignments and maybe study a bit. Common tests are coming, after all. So this morning, I went to Malaysia with pops. Just for your info, I don't go there to shop or whatever, we just get breakfast, buy some fruits, pump petrol and head home. But today is special. Okay so-called, since I started to take a better look at the stuff around me. Kway Chap at "Restoran Multi Mart". As usual, it's great. Good food in the morning always makes your stomach happy. :) But I wonder, how do they actually make such good food with so little space? I turned around and took a closer look at the stall. Everything was just there. Gravy, pig organs, kway, and the trash. May actually sound like a "major turnoff" for many of you clean people. But the fact that they can make such good


Chomp chomp and homestay (at my house) last Saturday with da brothers. Hardly get time to eat the shit out of myself so yay. Stingray, satay, fried oyster, chicken wings, oversized sugarcane drinks and fun. PICTURE SPAMMING TIME Me trying to smile like Mingwei. AND IT KIND OF PASSED Samuel could only eat chicken wings and satay cuz he hates spicy food. AND AT CHOMP CHOMP IT'S SPICY FOOD EVERYWHERE Samuel and Jian zilian #1 Samuel and Jian zilian #2 Samuel and Jian zilian #3 Pure retardedness. ... Okay then we walked back to my house, slacked, played Pokemon, reluctantly caught a movie, ate noodles, played more Pokemon, and slept. Not like there are a lot of things to do at my house anyway. But it's good to just chill out with da bros halfway through rather busy studying schedules. Wait, "chill" can't be used in this case because my room is stuffy as fuck. I had no air-con in that room. Feeling like a noob. Wi


Spendings > earnings recently. Let's just take last weekend for example.. Meal at Pastamania:~$14 Bowling: $5 Kbox session: ~$30 (All the time I spent with da brothers :D) Gaming mouse: $36 Mousepad: $9.90 (I needed a new mouse since my DeathAdder screwed up and a new mousepad since... The previous one was old..) Total expenditures this weekend (excludes other meals): ~$94.90 And let's say I earn around $5 an hour (I have CPF contributions too, fuck).. 14 hours worked = 14 x 5 = $70 (minimal) Net loss of.. DO THE MATH DAMMIT. Gotta really control my spendings. And maybe take note of what I buy, like what I did this week~ But nonetheless, it's good money spent. Especially Kbox time with the bruddas. Even though it's my first time being to a karaoke, I sang till... Let's just say we were one of the noisiest rooms, despite only having 4 people. LOL And so.. yeah. Working tomorrow to make more money and spend more money and blah blah blah.


 Typical marketing strategy these days. Okay anyway, I encountered the signboard on my way to checking out the game shop last Friday with Speed, Sheep Marcus and Theng. Speed suggested a brand new hobby to relieve my "always so short" temper, and it's Warhammer (google it up if you wish). It's some mini scaled war (board) game that consisted of really cool playing pieces which includes futuristic soldiers, gigantic insects, undead and really cool stuff. The kick of this is to paint your own playing pieces using a really fine brush... And let's just say the average playing piece is only slightly larger than your thumb. Training for patience indeed. But the cost of just to start the hobby kind of turned me off. LOL Like around $50 just to get a starting army. It's really cool to get into a hobby like that with your friends, so I'm thinking of getting it for real when I have extra cash towards the end of the year. Speaking of $50. FINALLY FIN


So how's life guys? Okay. I'm going to take up cooking very soon (from my mother). Because I don't want to come home eating the SAME SHIT EVERY DAMN DAY COOKED BY MY GRANDMA. You may think I'm whiny and "African kids don't even get to eat". But really. Try it everyday and you'll think that biscuits and cookies can replace your meals already. Garlic sprouts. Soggy leafy veg dipped in layers of oil. Burnt cod. Sour curry. And damn, my dad just went fishing in the seas last weekend and just brought some good fishes home. I was expecting a treat but.. BURNT FISHES FOR DINNER YAY So yeah. I hope my resolve pushes me forward so maybe I can be a... uhh.. Good househusband in the future? HAHAHAHA Bitchy sissy spamming music and singing like shit again. Really hate coming home nowadays. ... Back to school.. Everything's cool.. JUST THAT HOME-COOKED FOOD SPOILS MY MOOD EVERY TIME. Still drooling over the new Nerf Retaliator.. But


Boring holidays. Work, work and work. But now that some of the JC's promos ended, I can go out with da brothers again. But new semester's starting soon so.. bleah. Epic new timetable. Rush hours when going to school AND going home, ALMOST EVERYDAY. Well on a higher note, met with Dinghua to find Eric at Hougang 1 yesterday. Glad to see that he's doing pretty well as a team leader.. AND WE HAD SUSHI BUFFET. Okay nothing much for now so bye.

too lazy to type

Last Wednesday... T1T1 class chalet at SAF seaview resort, also one of the best times spent with my poly mates. Firstly, I didn't bring a single cent to the chalet. Felt like a burden until I was able to withdraw money that night (no ATM at changi village).. (sunset at the beach) Lepak-ed at the chalet watching retarded shows on TV until we the rest of the dudes arrived. Rented bikes.. Dinner at some random coffeeshop at changi v, which was a tad expensive. Night cycling after that. Cycled from the chalet to Loyang Point (to the ATMs). It's been quite a while since I last cycled so it felt really great. Running down slopes.. Night breeze kissing your face.. But the uphill part was a little tiring.. But never too tired for a drinking session after that. LOL Played some "sabotage" related card game, and (almost) everyone made me drink. So I got knocked out pretty quickly. Also, the green tea combo and root beer combo tasted really urgh, so I was



story of sour grapes.

Before I get to my main ranting (again), I would like to write about my experience at the NCC Senior Specialists' Course that happened for the past 3 days. So.. It's the my first NCC course as an instructor, and I have to say, I was all nervous and shit. Like what if I screw up my drills and all that.. A section of 11 people will be under my care, do I have what it takes to handle it? It was really awkward for me at the start.. But slowly I got the hang of it, it was like being the assistant part sergeant of the secondary 2s back in secondary school. I had a pretty hard time interacting with them though (I'm pretty quiet to strangers).. They looked up to me as an instructor, despite knowing it was my first time as one.. Listened to my "motivational" talks.. And at the graduation parade, I don't know why, I felt this "sense of achievement". And at the same time, I felt this little sting of sadness. Maybe because I won't get to see them again? But
Feeling a bit left out sometimes, but I'm glad I don't have to mix with idiots. Bad influence :D


Holidays are here and I have no god damn idea of what I wanna do. Let's see.. - Work all day in NTUC - Watch Naruto till the latest episode, and maybe start watching a new anime - Play Pokemon all day Hah. Dull and boring days ahead.. Well anyway, went out with da usual gang (this time it's Sam, Mingwei and Jian) for some good games of bowling and pool. :D Fun as usual.. But bowling was a bit ridiculous cuz I gutter-ed so many ballz. Sam had a lot of fail shots, and we really had a good laugh over them. Mainly the "ball slip-out-of-hand", "high-speed gutter ball" and the "roll". Which reminds me, it has really been a while since we got together and have so much fun.. ... EPIC FACE TIME YES MINGWEI YOU WILL STILL COME OUT WITH US. T_T I'm grateful to have met them in my life.. Okay let's NOT get emotional and carry on with the shit I wanna say. So.. Am I wrong to say that "good results" is the best gift you can give to our mother?


Another "useless" day spent. Went to Queensway Shopping Centre with Ashley to buy his cap and look for stuff.. I spent like an hour and a half trying to get to Choa Chu Kang area.. Only to take a bus back to Adam Road ---> Queensway. Noobs who take service number 74 to school will know where it is.. Well anyway, we witnessed an accident at the 4-way junction at Queensway. 3 motorbikes crashed onto one another.. But it didn't cause much of a jam. After crossing the road we got a close up view of the people involved in the accident... And one of the aunties got part of her leg scrapped off. Yeah, the whole chunk of flesh came out, just like a horror movie. One of the freakiest shit I've seen in a while... Reminds me of the injury on my head though. I was playful back then.. So we walked around the sc and... There was nothing much. The authentic caps were all >$60, so I had ZERO intention of buying one, not until I've "secured my income". And I was he

The day is ours.

Firstly, had a "good run" with Leslie and Shei in the morning. It's been a long time since I last saw them ;) We ran from Serangoon North to Sengkang... Okay I didn't run all the way. My legs kinda died when we reached the Sengkang area.. But anyway, it was good training (I think). Satisfied my cravings for vegetarian food during lunch. A good meal, as usual (you guys should really give vegetarian food a chance). Went home for a shower and met the homies (Speed, Theng and gang) later on :) Glad to see that they're all doing pretty well.. Today's like a little reunion for me. Hohoho. Anyway, we went to LAN for a few rounds of Blackshot... And I tried Warcraft III for the very first time. Had problems not knowing what to click... What not to click... What to do... Blah blah blah Guess I'm not really cut out for RTS games :\ Caught a movie later on. And it SUCKED BIG TIME. The movie had only 2 action scenes, 1 of which is only considered DECENT. The rest is j

Mighty Mouth (Ft. Soya) - Bad Boy

Enjoy the song. :) Thanks for making me realise I'm doing a good job. Thanks for making me realise I'm very close to my goals, I just needed to work a little harder. Thanks for making me realise change is inevitable, I just have to accept it and move on. Thanks for making me realise the importance of friendship.

Retards on the Internet (part one?)

Okay guys, I'm really sick of seeing retarded stuff on Facebook. Maybe some of you guys as well. So today's rant shall be about that. ... You know how people tend to post up pictures and tell idiots to "like this picture if you think she is beautiful". And then the picture actually shows a disabled child. *I don't want to post any example up here* I'm sure you guys put up with this shit everyday, so I will be very straight with my opinion. THAT PICTURE IS ONE HELL OF A UGLY FUCK. I was eating dinner when I just scrolled along my Facebook news feed, and it kinda lowered my appetite. Well, you guys can say how much of a "beautiful" girl/boy she/he is, but come on. STOP FUCKING LYING TO YOURSELF. If looks is what people go after nowadays, WILL YOU MARRY THAT GIRL/BOY? The world's perception of beautiful is so damn distorted, that even if you search the word up in the dictionary... "having beauty ; having qualities that give great pleasur


(played basketball with my classmates 2 days ago, and I sucked pretty badly :P) Life has been going on pretty smoothly. Just needa brush up on some of my modules.. Seems like I don't have the time to do everything I want. But ironically, I've got time to do some sports. Mainly because NO SHIT HAPPEN ON MONDAYS. feeling so fucking useless


I had a really wonderful time at USS last week with my classmates, so I just wanna say thanks again for the awesome memories left behind.. Okay I'm sure you guys wanna hear about my previous week spent in Malaysia and stuff.. So.. here it is. LAST MONDAY: Went ice-skating with only a few of my classmates (Desh, zk and Jackson).. Was pretty reluctant to go in the first place, as I have never ice-skated before.. But the experience that day was.. Painful. I fell down like more than 10 times, one of which I took a critical hit to my chest. I'm just glad I managed to walk away with some of the basics of ice-skating.. And 4 bruises on my shins and knees. LAST TUESDAY: Start of the Senai "Study" Trip. Actually I find the word "study" a little unsuitable to use there.. It's more of a.. "Senai 4-Day Resort Stay". But nonetheless, it was an exciting and rewarding trip. :) First off we headed to the Desaru fruit farm. They had lots of interesting stuff th

It's been a while (AGAIN).

Well when you're reading my blog, I bet you're hoping that my post will be about typical Singaporean behavior and shit again.. And guess what. I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN! Nah.. Actually I have already grown sick of ranting all day about idiots. The thing about us is.. We get all fucking crazy over one thing FOR A PERIOD OF TIME. We even take sides, break bonds and stuff. And slowly.. It subsides. This simply means that we are giving too much of a fuck about things we are not even suppose to care about. Remember the thing about Alex Ong? Nah you guys probably forgot about it already. Some of you guys can say that what he's doing is WRONG... But have you guys seen from his point of view? Do you know how it feels like to be (put bluntly) retarded? Well I feel sad for you, for a proper brain is being put into such a stupid body. I can go on ranting for DAYS, even YEARS about how simple minded people are but nothing's gonna change. That's why the zombies are here.

It's been a while..

Only "man" doing the night shift today (yesterday). So things were like.. Blah blah blah.. *SO MUCH STUFF TO DO* Blah blah blah.. But it was indeed tiring.. I'm not sure if I can even focus in my test tomorrow.. OKAY KIANNY YOU WILL FOCUS. GETTING TIRED TODAY DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR PERFORMANCE TOMORROW. I'm finally able to stack boxes of banana properly (and load tons of boxes of shit)... ALONE. I remember I was at my very first few days of work.. Qunhan will always laugh at my constipated face when I try to lift heavy boxes. Okay maybe I still have that constipated face, but I must say that I have improved (in terms of physical strength).. :) Met Liwen when I went outside later on, and she treated me to one Mochi icecream. Not really a lot but it tasted great! Hahahaha. Bought sushi and soya milk (again) later on.. And went home. And I'm having an obsession with drinking milk at night. Gee. And by the way, a customer just now asked me if a lemon was sour. ... DOUBL


ONLY IN NP: Where a 19 inch FLAT SCREEN monitor.. Is actually.. Flat indeed. So far poly life was all good (sort of) for me.. Except for some subjects which are getting really crappy. Like Electrical Technology and Electronics (ETE). The lecturer isn't a bad guy, it's just that he's going at a ridiculously fast speed. I know we'll be missing 1 week of lecture cause you got your reservist.. But don't go speeding up the lectures like that! -shall not be blunt here- But just saying, I don't understand a single thing in the topics, and I think I'm gonna get fucked during the common test. Hope everything goes well in the weeks to come.. And really, I had enough of you poly fucktards complaining about how poly is more stressful than JC and shit. Rant 1: "Go to a poly they said. It will be easier than JC they said." Yes, it indeed IS easier than JC. I do not know what kind of shit homework you have been getting, but at least I know that my amount of home