It's been a while (AGAIN).

Well when you're reading my blog, I bet you're hoping that my post will be about typical Singaporean behavior and shit again..


Actually I have already grown sick of ranting all day about idiots.
The thing about us is.. We get all fucking crazy over one thing FOR A PERIOD OF TIME.

We even take sides, break bonds and stuff.

And slowly.. It subsides.
This simply means that we are giving too much of a fuck about things we are not even suppose to care about.

Remember the thing about Alex Ong?
Nah you guys probably forgot about it already.

Some of you guys can say that what he's doing is WRONG...
But have you guys seen from his point of view?

Do you know how it feels like to be (put bluntly) retarded?

Well I feel sad for you, for a proper brain is being put into such a stupid body.
I can go on ranting for DAYS, even YEARS about how simple minded people are but nothing's gonna change.
That's why the zombies are here..

And they're gonna kill us all.
End our fucking misery, yay.

Oh and 1 thing I really hate.

When you guys talk about RESPECT.

That word, is a fucking big word, one that you definitely can't swallow.
Let's just say. Our WHOLE generation lacks respect.
Simple things like...

- Shouting at mom and dad
- Playing phone in class
- Not saying "thank you" when someone does something for you

Is a sign of disrespect.

Do some research about people in the past (example Koreans) and THAT, is respect.
In fact, some countries still have a shitload of it.

But us, we have NONE.
We are all raised in this "backward" society, and no matter how GOOD you think you are, you are..

You are a failure.
We are all failures.

So here's a quote for you hipsters..


Don't go saying all sorts of bullshit when you yourself is bullshit.

No one listens anyway.
This world shall burn.
Blah blah blah...

Okay a little happenings about my life..
I'm drinking instant soup at 1.54am.
'cuz sleeping is for pussies.

see you soon...


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