Retards on the Internet (part one?)

Okay guys, I'm really sick of seeing retarded stuff on Facebook. Maybe some of you guys as well.
So today's rant shall be about that.


You know how people tend to post up pictures and tell idiots to "like this picture if you think she is beautiful".
And then the picture actually shows a disabled child.

*I don't want to post any example up here*

I'm sure you guys put up with this shit everyday, so I will be very straight with my opinion.

I was eating dinner when I just scrolled along my Facebook news feed, and it kinda lowered my appetite.

Well, you guys can say how much of a "beautiful" girl/boy she/he is, but come on.
If looks is what people go after nowadays, WILL YOU MARRY THAT GIRL/BOY?

The world's perception of beautiful is so damn distorted, that even if you search the word up in the dictionary...

"having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech."

Great pleasure THINKING ABOUT? You'll probably get nightmares you dumb fuck.

"excellent of its kind: a beautiful putt on the seventh hole; The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef."

Maybe she's considered beautiful in the world of aliens, but then again, how can you be so sure about that? Have you seen an ugly alien before?

I wouldn't classify her as a human in this case, because if I did, she will be "ugly".

Okay so seriously, stop this bullshit. You guys can say you're giving her confidence by calling her "beautiful". But wtf.
FAKE confidence isn't going to last forever.

I'd rather just tell that person straight in the face, and that person must of course, have the STRENGTH to face reality.
If not, he/she is really a useless being.

And to the guy that posted the photo (and many many more)..
Using someone's plight to gain fame is a really pathetic and cowardly thing to do.
But still, I salute you into tricking the minds of millions of people in the world.
Congratulations, motherfucker.

Some of you guys can go hating on me now, I don't really fucking care. But if you at least have some brain cells left please
- Stop liking/sharing visually unpleasing photos.
- Change your fucking mindset. Be realistic.

Or simply be another "idiot on the Internet". Your choice.


On a higher note,

wait. There are no higher notes in my life.


How high can the note get?


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