
Showing posts from May, 2011

Good afternoon people.

It's been quite a long time since I went out with my grandma to shop for groceries. Since there's no school today, I decided that going out in the morning won't hurt.. I went to Serangoon North Ave 1 by foot, my grandma took the bus. So... At the NTUC, my grandma was as naggy as ever. Conversation (translated from Chinese): Grandma: What fruit you want to eat? Me: Uhhh, anything lah.. *Grandma picks up a bag of pears* Grandma: This one you want? Me: Don't want lah. *Grandma picks up dragonfruits* Grandma: This one you want? Me: Don't want lah... I want the things I will pick myself, okay? Okay. This painful process continues when we went to the other sections of the supermarket. In the end, I only got a Crunchie bar for myself. I really don't need anything else! LOL. We went to eat at the coffeeshop nearby later on. Same old thing. Grandma: What you want to eat? Me: Anything lah... Grandma: So old already must choose yourself! Here got Nasi Lemak, fried noodles,

RSAF Open House 2011

Went to the RSAF Open House 2011 today with Leslie and Wenshei. :) Great day spent, but screw the weather. LOL Let some of my pictures do the talking. -more pictures on Facebook :D- Oh and I found out some interesting facts about a RSAF career in the exhibition hall today. The sir... I still remember his name, it was Clarence Ong, was really friendly and answered all of my (stupid) questions about being a UAV pilot. I really hope my eyesight doesn't get any worse, otherwise it will be really hard to join the Air Force. But I'm kinda glad to hear that all recognized diplomas can get you in the Air Force! Yay. :D Now I need to study hard so that I will enjoy my Poly life. Guess this will be my last outing for a while... Gotta get into intensive studying mood. By order of Mrs Yeo. @_@


Parent teacher conference today was more of like a... STUDENT teacher conference. Basically Mrs Yeo was like giving me an interview throughout the conference. And she hardly talked to my mother. I think my mother was there only to witness me making stupid agreements which lead to me DELETING BLACKSHOT AND MAPLESTORY FROM MY COMP. And the return of the stupid 1-hour-of-computer-a-day rule. And even after the PTC, my mother asked me: " 为什么你的老师 跟你 说这么多?" Yeah seriously what the shit. I don't know how I'm going to survive... I don't know if I can make it... Will doing this really improve my results? ): Sad ttm.

values learnt from gaming?

Games like MapleStory teaches us lots of values, actually. When your level is low, and you see a big ass motherf*cker, do you chicken out? Or go straight in it's face and whack it. When faced with challenges in life, and you know you are not that capable, do you keep trying? Or do you give up? Well actually, the Blue Mushmom is not a good example for that picture, because it can be killed pretty easily. But you guys get my point, dontcha? I hope you will be able to whack all your problems in life, and level up? LOL

uhh... fml?

Overall, my grades didn't improve THAT much, but it's still an improvement anyway. But it's not fun being on the last 25% of the cohort. Like EXACTLY on the last 25% mark. Ah well, I guess I'll just have to work harder for the next exam. Right now, I... I mean WE should all get worried about the upcoming Chinese O level written exams. My midyear Chinese results really brought down my spirits. *sigh* Just do the paper next week, and pray. PTC is this Friday. Mrs Yeo will be so excited to meet my mum and nag nag nag nag nag about how my results suck and how I'm not being a good boy in class and how she is a bitch and blah blah blah. Shit this man. I think even my mum's gonna lose faith in me. Shit this shit. And dad, I seriously feel like saying fuck you in the face. zzz No one's gonna help you if you don't help yourself!

Boyfriend - Big Time Rush

Thanks to Leslie for introducing this song. Really catchy, and meaningful (?). Just don't get addicted to it like how I did. Gahh, we're all too young for all those boyfriend and girlfriend stuffs anyway. Aren't we?


Study plans today failed, as Bishan library had a shitload of people. And Leslie said there will not be many people there. Oh well.. Leslie ended up coming to my house to slack, LOL. We watched the movie "Little Big Soldier" on my TV. Didn't know it was such a great movie, but the ending was indeed disappointing. And it's a chinese movie btw. We went to AMK to play pool after that. As usual, I lost to Leslie with a score of 2-3. Spent $3.40 (each) there, and went home after that. And here I am. bored bored bored bored bored Of all of the things that she's ever said... She goes and says something that just knocks me dead.


-please refer to the previous post- YES I SCREWED UP MY EXAMS (again). So yesterday my mood was like... :D And today my mood's like... -____________- But I didn't screw up THAT badly, but anyway, it's still f*cked up bad. I'm uncertain of my future. Should I really join an army career? Or try to study? Okay never mind. Army career it shall be. *sighs* Damn it, the exam timetable for the Prelim is already given out. And the exams are immediately after the holidays. -_- Looks like my holidays ain't going to be a really slack one... Now I'm so looking forward to the PTC. :) No point being sad lah ...


-PRACTICE BOMBING IN PROGRESS WEEEE- Okay, I guess after getting my results tomorrow, I will have to stop Blackshotting again. But I'll try to get Maplestory episode 3 and try. My mother disapproves of me playing these violent games anyway... I'm losing my guts.

growing up?

I'm disappointed that I'm not the one for you. But I'm glad that I'm not like him. Why am I getting sad? It doesn't change a thing. Why is everybody around me getting all depressed and shit? Nothing changes even though you cry. I'm trying. Are you? Maybe we're all just.. small people. And I look like a short lil' kid to many people anyway, LOL. So let's all wait till we get old.. And not give up. Even though we're falling to pieces.

Outing at Pulau Ubin!

An awesome day spent with my friends from ncc air (and brother). We went to Pulau Ubin to cycle~ At first, I kind of expected a fail outing (as always), but today turned out to be pretty great! In fact, I can feel the high lactic acid concentration all over my legs! Yeah, so firstly we went to cycle for 2 hours. The road wasn't all that smooth, and there were lots of vans everywhere (irritating). Oh, and kudos to Sat for enduring throughout this painful course, even though you could not cycle that well. Good job everyone! We ate coconuts later on, and some of us went to carry on cycling to that mountain trail thingy. Some of them chose to rest at the beach, LOL. But... The course up the "mountain" was really tiring. My legs felt sore all over, but I felt a great sense of achievement when I went all the way up. (The scenery picture is below) And the downhill course was really relaxing! Went to eat at Tampines, and went home after that. With sore legs, and sore hands. Wait,

The Script - For The First Time

She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart While I'm drinking jack all alone in my local bar And we don't know how we got into this mad situation Only doing things out of frustration Trying to make it work but man these times are hard She needs me now but I can't seem to find a time I've got a new job now in the unemployment line And we don't know how we got into this mess it's a gods test Someone help us cause we're doing our best Trying to make it work but man these times are hard But we're gonna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine Sit talking up all night Saying things we haven't for a while, a while yeah We're smiling but we're close to tears Even after all these years We just now got the feeling that we're meeting For the first time She's in line at the door with her head held high While I just lost my job but didn't lose my flight But we both know how we're gonna make it work when it hurts When you pick you


I'm so gonna screw up my combined science and my amath. But at least I won't fail so many subjects again.. :D And here's a graph of my age against my retardedness. I realised I'm getting all moody during my sec3 to 4 life, mainly because of cca. And now that cca's gone, I'm feeling like a faggot again. No point getting moody. No point changing myself. I'm just... Myself. And I'm not gonna turn myself into an asshole (like you) just to be.. a better person? Trying to go away.


Not saying that I'm as cocky as the guy on the right but... THIS is the truth. I tried but I still screwed up combined science and amath. And fucked amath up like really really bad. I guess I'm screwed for PTC.. fml.

"Customer service"? Assholes.

My hotmail account was hacked for the second time. They sent me an sms last time for me to verify my account, but this time I did not receive any. So I was advised to approach their "oh so efficient" customer service. "Their Windows Live personnel will personally attend to you." Bullshit. Okay so firstly I provided a handful of information to them so that they could personally verify my account. A day later, I got this reply from one of the "people" at customer service: Judging by the "computer-atic" and robotic reply they gave, and the fact that they STILL could not verify my account, I got pretty pissed off by their "efficiency" and made an angry reply. Only after waiting for 24 hours, I submitted another (angry) reply. The least I expected... Yet another computerized reply. Worst of all, they did not even answer my question. Losing that email full off old contacts is one thing, but all my gaming accounts associated with this email wi

stupid birds

YET another boring Sunday. I DID study, but I spent most of my time slacking around... Because bio is really boring. Like really. -_- And my dad has reached the extreme level of lameness by watching bird videos on Youtube. Seriously, wtf? You keep 5 birds in the house, nvm. They keep pooping everywhere, nvm. THEY WOKE ME UP THIS WEDNESDAY (at 7am) WHEN I COULD HAVE SLEPT PEACEFULLY, nvm. And now, you're watching bird videos and disturbing my study. It's okay to have hobbies, but... Come on.. FIVE birds is WAY too many. You guys gotta agree with that. Oh and anyway, HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!!! to all mothers out there. And I made a cup of Ribena for my mother!! What more can she ask for. :) Weather in Singapore's like freaking hot nowadays. I can sweat just by sitting down and reading. Need to stock up on cold drinks...

Rotting at home.

Chose to rest at home today, so I practically played with my iTouch for the whole damned day. Okay, studying tomorrow! (sian...) -_- ADD ME AT!!! My old hotmail is screwed. Ciao!

Tired like ****.

Screw all the math papers, it's time for a well deserved break. (: Eh what the ****? 4473 problems scanned? (*#&!@(!(&^#& But kudos to this free program, really. For 'fixing up' this screwed up comp of mine. Now it performs a lot faster! Yayz. It's a never ending battle against fate!


Trigo is killing me. Further trigo is raping the shit outta my brains. I think I'm gonna fail my amath paper... ): Nothing changes, yet.