Okay guys, relax...?

Okay this article may seem familiar to most of you people... So since I have nothing much to do (my laptop burns when I play 3D games), I shall talk about this little big article.

"A woman sparked a massive outcry on the Internet with an insensitive remark about the death of a full-time national serviceman (NSF) who collapsed during training on April 17.

The NSF, 21-year-old Private Dominique Sarron Lee Rui Feng, died after he experienced breathing difficulties during a training exercise on Tuesday.

After news of the NSF's death was reported online, the woman, Ms. Zheng Huiting who is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in fine arts in Australia said in her Facebook post, "Singaporeans too weak? LOL (laugh out loud).""

Uh okay. So she posted a comment on Facebook, and she got STOMPed.

Firstly, it was wrong for her to be doing this. It is not showing respect to the NSF at all, but come on.
Take a closer look at what she said.


This means she is just cracking a joke. It is not nice to be joking about dead people, but is it worth getting so enraged and blah blah blah I want to kill that fu*king girl over a JOKE?

Secondly, she's only 21 years old. Sure she may seem old enough NOT to be posting stuff like that, but who knows? She may be high on weed (or something like that).. I mean, we all do stupid stuff do we.
Some of us even discriminate Singaporeans on Facebook/any social networking site..
Talk about how f**ked up the government is and stuff like that..

Let me tell you guys something.
You guys are just LUCKY you didn't get on STOMP.

Obviously some guy was just too bored, had nothing to do, and decide to enrage all the Singaporeans by making this little matter viral.
Indeed, it IS a small matter.

One can simply express their feelings on the keyboard, but Singaporean youths (and mid-20 dudes) need to be more educated on how public their information/posts are on the web.
This is not anyone's fault okay.
You don't blame someone for being stupid, unless they reject learning.

Thirdly, apparently Singaporeans find it fun to discriminate the people of our own country.
So, STOMPer, what do you gain by posting this?
And all the other posts on STOMP as well, about how Singaporeans should give their seats up on the MRT and shit.

WHAT do you gain?

Please do know that people around the world can view the STOMP website anytime too, if you want the WORLD to be looking down on us Singaporeans then okay.. Sounds pretty decent doesn't it.

So I'm begging everybody. STOP this nonsense.
A diplomatic solution will be removing the STOMP website, but since the Straits Times want ratings and shit it's probably not gonna happen.

But please, stop discriminating your own country any further.

Use the time you took to write up your STOMP articles to... Maybe read a book or something?



RIP Private Dominique Sarron Lee Rui Feng.


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