I just want him to stop hurting your feelings over and over again.
Typical marketing strategy these days. Okay anyway, I encountered the signboard on my way to checking out the game shop last Friday with Speed, Sheep Marcus and Theng. Speed suggested a brand new hobby to relieve my "always so short" temper, and it's Warhammer (google it up if you wish). It's some mini scaled war (board) game that consisted of really cool playing pieces which includes futuristic soldiers, gigantic insects, undead and really cool stuff. The kick of this is to paint your own playing pieces using a really fine brush... And let's just say the average playing piece is only slightly larger than your thumb. Training for patience indeed. But the cost of just to start the hobby kind of turned me off. LOL Like around $50 just to get a starting army. It's really cool to get into a hobby like that with your friends, so I'm thinking of getting it for real when I have extra cash towards the end of the year. Speaking of $50. FINALLY FIN...