
Showing posts from July, 2011

Still life in school.

Junping's bad joke: Can A see B? Yes, just turn to the right. ... Okay not that funny, LOL. Life's like really boring nowadays. It's just study and study... And I'm freaking out over "simple" amath questions. Sigh. Is this the life that all of us want? Oral diagnostics test today. Results are above. Screwed up picture discussion like really really bad. Still got ~2 weeks to train, so hopefully I won't stun during my O level English oral. ~ Went to the gym to work out a lil' bit later on. Good way to shake off the stress as well, LOL. So... I found 10 cents under a bench press seat, and thought that: "Hmm, today's my lucky day!" We went to buy Nutrisoy at FairPrice after the workout, I was reaching out for the carton of soy milk with the coins needed to buy it in my hands. 30 cents (3 x 10 cents) fell in the ventilation thingy. And of all the coins that can drop, it HAD to be worth 30 cents. Net loss: 20 cents. Lesson learned: Karma hits y


Study hard, yo' faggots. ... Actually I don't think I'm studying THAT hard anyway. But it's time to start yeah? (How many times did I tell myself that) ~1 month to Prelim 2! Time flies. Real quick. "In the never ending pursuit for knowledge, we humans forgotten how to do the simplest thing in life: to live."


Kinda scrolled through my previous blog posts. Like 3 years back. Man, was I an idiot.
I just want him to stop hurting your feelings over and over again.

Poly or JC? :\

Hmmm, perhaps he's not the only one thinking about this life changing question. I have already made up my mind (poly of course), and for those of you who have yet to do that, and are kinda stuck, here are some questions to ask yourself before making that decision. *Following stuff are strictly in my opinion only. Read but don't complain. Can you cope with the demands of JC? Even idiots will know that, if you go into JC, you'll have to study a lot. Like a whole f**king lot. So if you're already failing your subjects now, really no point entering JC and get retained and shit. So to cut long story short, smart/hardworking people should go JC, no? What do you want to be when you grow up? If you're aiming to be doctors, teachers and etc, you should know that you must be academically strong. As for me, I intend to join Air Force after NS and skip university education. That's because I can build my career slowly in the Air Force, and maybe if I work hard, they will sen

How's life?

-pretty awesome song. (WARNING: KPOP.)- Pretty busy with studies and homework nowadays... And a little bit of SuddenAttack. So I got back a few of my Prelim 1 papers, and I'm happy to say... I PASSED MY AMATH! 54/100 though. But from a F9 to a C6, it's a really big improvement isn't it? And for my emaths... 75/100, exactly A1. Compared to class 4/5, it's nothing, isn't it.. LOL. Anyways, this showed that chionging past year papers DO work. For the next ~100days, I just need to... Chiong more. Hopefully I jump another 3 grades for ALL of my subjects. Pretty impossible but yeah. :\ Seems like everyone's busy studying huh. My messenger contact list's always... -All offline.- Ah well, it's time I get serious too. Hmm, how about tomorrow. "I'm confused.... Wait, maybe I'm not."

2 months.

Aunt's getting married on 11th Sept. She's always been the one taking care of granny, living under the same roof as me. Now that she's leaving, I will be the one who's gonna take care of granny. And my dad obviously doesn't give a f__k, because birds are more important. And my mom's busy keeping the house, and she's got a part time job as well.. My granny usually carries a lot of groceries from the market nearby to home. By herself. And yeah, of course I'll need to help her. But I need to study too? What makes it worse, my granny's got a joint problem. And it might be terminal. I got 2 months to plan out my life.

Hi guys.

Introducing my (noob) MapleStory character team: From left: TeamMechanic , TeamHawkeye , TeamBladers , TeamDragons Busy Mapling, Suddenattacking and Math-ing nowadays. No time to blog. Or more accurately, NOTHING to blog about. So.. How's life? :D

bored like sheet.

Stop the mixpod before playing it, if you want to. Only idiots wouldn't do that. Bored. Spend Saturday doing my integration homework, and Sunday rotting away. Bored. Anyway, it's Youth Day tomorrow, and I'm finally going to play at LAN after like.. Weeks? With my ex class. It's been a while.. Ohyeah, gotta update you guys on my.. O Level Chinese oral. So I was the third to go in, and I'm feeling cold all over before the shit even started. I went up to the examiners later, and gave them my entry proof and IC. They told me to sit down and I started reading the passage. All was well, until I started to look at the examiner's face to maintain that "eyeball contact" . I mumbled a little, I stumbled a little, I "bla-kwarg-wahh-ed" a little, and my last paragraph turned out to be shit to the ears. Conversation question: Are schools the main responsibility for producing good athletes? What the FARK? Last resort: Crapped through the whole conversation