
Showing posts from April, 2010
*I'M STILL WOLFTEAMING!* Mid year exam starts tomorrow. SS test tomorrow. And I'm still blogging here. ... WHO NEEDS STUDY?

Typical weekend.

Went for BAWC today. Still flying with that lousy right-side-motored cessna which I fixed. Same thing happened when I took off. The plane flew right by itself. But this time, I managed to control it, although it went 1 round around me. I was trembling when controlling the plane, because that damned motor will put the plane in a risk of crashing ANYTIME. *Tremble tremble tremble tremble...* I guess my heart flew along with the plane. That was a warm up. Had to fly the second time. This time, its my flying test. *Tremble tremble tremble tremble...* At least, I didn't crash the plane. Unlike that acs guy who crashed 3 times in a row (now he realises how hard it is to take off that plane.) -Flying test over- Bad landing. (went too far off) Figure 8s are ugly. But at least, ... I PASSED MY FLYING TEST. YAYQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM. Went to amk to find Samuel and friends. TYPICAL SINGAPOREAN CAUGHT CLOSE UP ON CAMERA. "Why cannot take? 1 dollar only what." So after wasting our

Some epic shit.

(taken today on the bus with leslie while heading to HQ) Can you spot anything epic in the picture above? It may just look like a typical motorbike and a rider, but LOOK AGAIN AND YOU WILL SEE SOMETHING NICE. xD

No time to study (?)

Today was fun. Well, sort of. First, miss lim went one period early today during geog as she got some earth day thingy. And I took a nice nap for 40 minutes. I can't get a nice damned sleep at home nowadays. Zzz... OM-ed later on. Watched our own performance video. It was really... Not energetic, in a sense that the other schools were much more hyper. 'Bet we won because of our props and costumes. We figured out we had to pump some adrenaline into our "dance moves", So yeah. Screaming behind the hall. But it was fun. Except when... Everybody could jump over the inclined pull up (ICP) bar. So I wanted to give it a try. I dashed. But I got afraid to jump. So I stopped. But heck, I'm gonna jump anyways. Jump. Crashed on both of my knees. 55kg of weight on both of my knees (lucky it was not on a single knee, otherwise it would have been fractured). Whined in pain. No... Wait. LAUGHED in pain. xD (refer to picture above) Homed later on bus 74 and me and shei met Mr Tan
I should really look on the bright side of things.
ROD was finally over. It was all smiles. Fake smiles. Don't really want to share how I really feel in my blog, but I guess there is nowhere else I can share to. Never in my life did I felt so angry about myself (first thing I did when I went home today was slam all my badges on the table, throw my belt on the floor, and shout at my mum.) thought so lowly of myself, thought that I made the worst decision of my life, waste a fucking 2 years of my time just to get shit, am I such a loser. Everything they said to comfort me, yeah really COMFORT me, made sense. But think about it. If you were me, you will never expect yourself to be such a piece of shit. I mean, *** for ****** camp? So what? That prove nothing. It only shown how I sucked at things. And what shit. Was joining OM a wrong thing? I did not have time to show them what I'm made of? They jolly well know. They had to put me there. You think I really want to skip trainings? Like seriously, fuck. Fuck it all. I just want to a


Started spamming games in neopets. Im lifeless alright. (Check out my NP!) Wahahahahahaha. My neopets legacy is coming back alive! It IS possible to earn 33k NP in a day. Codestones FTW. Oh and... KIANWAI HAS A BLOG! YAY~ Please support! Let's hope he doesn't delete his blog in the next few days to come. LOL


YEAH!!! OBTAINED 3rd PLACING WITHIN OUR DIVISION FOR OM!!! AWESOME!!! All that hard work for 3 months finally, yeah FINALLY paid off. At first I was worrying that we couldn't get in the top 3! And we did AWESOME for our spontaneous round, 88/100! (Although my standard wasn't that good) And our performance was ALMOST flawless. Yeahhhhhhhh. Will be heading to US during May! During or after MYE? Yeah. So now I just want to settle down, and start worrying about other stuff. My basic aero wing course in progress, the upcoming ROD parade and etc... Life's going to be weird without OM. Sigh. Its too late to realise that something's wrong. Now everything that I longed for... Is gone. And what I'm left with is only a song.
Its a misunderstanding?
Like, all that fatigue from OM.. Can't even get a proper sleep nowadays.. And look at that pile of incomplete math homework. And all the tests coming up. And my basic aero wing. And the upcoming ROD. And.. And.. That had to happen. ... Life had reached its limits. I guess this is the most I can get out of my sec 3 life. I just want it all to stop.. Mr Siva sort of gave me a lecture of my generation of teenagers on my way home with me on the taxi. Well he talked a whole lot but, I felt that one thing that all of us shouldn't lose, is ourselves. If we lose it, its all over. I felt inner peace within. Wow. Thanks Mr Siva. Thank god.

Life's a boar.

Okay. I got a fever during OM camp yesterday. Then I woke up today with a badass headache and sore throat. So I went to see the doctor. Like wth, I must wait for about 15 people to get their consultation before mine. It was a long wait, and I started playing Pokemon Crystal on my phone (lifeless). And after waiting for about an hour, I went in the consultation room. Doc: "Hi Mr Tay (wth), so may I know what is wrong?" Me: "Headache and sore throat." Doc: "How old are you? Sec 3 right?" Me: "Yes." Doc: "Played too much computer games last night isit? *piercing stare*" Me: "NO?! (actually yes)" Yep, that's my usual FAMILY doctor. Hahs. Officially ran out of things to do with the comp AGAIN... WolfTeam- Too many epic laggers. SuddenAttack- Skills got rusty, and too many epic pros. Audition- GOT OWNED AS WELL. Computer's shit now. Any nice games intro? Ty. ... Zzzzz...