Review: Fire Emblem: Awakening

OKAY haven't been blogging for a REALLY long time so.. sorry to whoever still views my blog. Been REALLY into work and gaming (mostly work) so I didn't have the time to blog.. Or maybe I was just lazy as shit.

But anyway, let's get into the juice of this post. I've bought 2 Nintendo 3DS games recently with my hard-earned (YES) cash. Both of which I REALLY want to talk about, so.. REVIEW TIME.

Fire Emblem: Awakening

 I was reluctant to get this game at first, as I never had experience playing turn-based RPG before. I mustered the courage to try something new after seeing the review on IGN and I must say... It's a pretty awesome game!

Those of you who played Final Fantasy or some shit will know how this game works. Take turns to spank one another's asses. But what makes this game special... Is "permadeath".
As the name implies, once one of your units fall in battle, they can't be revived. You can turn this option OFF in casual mode, but then you'll be missing out on one of the greatest essences of this game.
With the fate of your troops in your hands, you can make the ultimate decision of sacrificing your underling to complete the stage or starting the level all over again. Sometimes sacrifice IS necessary (I learnt it the hard way).
Also another "essence" of the game, it's "partner system". With a good buddy beside you, your attacks/defences/avoidability/etc gets a decent boost. With continuous partnership, you can get even better boosts which can be of great help in battle.
By pairing up weaker troops with stronger ones, you can keep it from harm, and also providing the necessary stat boost. This way, it is safe to say that NO troop in your army can be useless. This also encourages the player to keep his army close together, or move in teams... This is a game of tactics, after all.

Soon you will realise yourself coming back to the game just to get your favourite troops together. Heck, they can even get married and have babies (you can recruit the children to your army, of course)!

Stolen picture HAHA


Have I forgotten to mention how AWESOME the storyline is? Although I've yet to complete the game, it's incredibly immersive storyline will leave you clutching on your console with your jaws dropping. Pair that up with spectacular cutscene graphics (the BEST I've seen on the 3DS so far), and you have a game that's made for perfection. And yes, the pictures you see above will be the quality of graphics you'll be getting. PANTS WILL BE SHAT

I can't give a good final score of this because I've yet to complete the game, but whether you're a first-timer... or a RPG veteran, you will DEFINITELY not want to miss out on one of the BEST titles for the 3DS. Trust me, when I say it's good, it's pretty damn good.



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