MapleStory Season 2: Not so impressive after all

Hi guys.
For those of you who are thinking of going back to Mapling for the "brand new season", I hope my little write-up coming up will keep you a little more informed of what's happening, before using up an hour to re-download the game.

So.. The long awaited MapleStory Season 2.
tbh, I actually stayed up till 12am on the release date to patch my current version, but the auto-patcher screwed up and.. I ended up playing the next day anyway(patcher screwed up after a delay of 4.5 hours for the server maintenance).

After I logged in, there wasn't much of a change in the menu..
And a few minutes into the game, I realised that there wasn't MUCH OF A CHANGE AT ALL (visually).

Some notable in-game changes:
- Job advancement level changes (60 for 3rd job, 100 for 4th job)
- Secondary stat requirement for all equipments removed
- Major skill reorganisation
- Item drop rate adjusted, to sky high levels
- Item selling rate to NPCs reduces drastically
- NPCs now sell weapons and armour for higher levels
- Brand new Theme Dungeons
- Brand new "Inner Ability"
- Brand new "rare item" and Potential system

- ... the new jobs are not released yet.
Playing the "newer" Mihile class. Soul Drive at 2nd job is pwn.
In-game UI. Not much changes.. Now let's talk about the Inner Ability thing.

Your character will gain a slot for an "ability" at levels 30, 60 and 100 respectively.
The abilities include stat increments, HP/MP increments and some special effects as well. It's pretty much like the potential system, but that ability stays unless you choose to reset it.
Monsters will drop some funny medal, where you collect them and gain "reputation". Get enough reputation and you level up your "honour". Upon level up you will receive a funny ball, where you can reset your inner ability using that.

... Hope it doesn't sound too hard to understand. All in all, it's free extra damage. LOL
Mouse over items to see the "damage increase", which is the additional damage the weapon will deal (if you can wield it) compared to your current weapon.

Items dropped by monsters now have the potential to possess additional bonuses and "potential".

(refer to picture above)
Light blue text: above average stats/additional stats. This includes magic attack for warrior weapons as well. But if you get lucky, the bonuses can be pretty good :)
Green text: "the supposedly harder to get" extra abilities. Usually I only see % stat increases and nothing else, but who knows?

Also, hidden potential items can now be revealed with a small sum of mesos (4-5k?) FROM THE INVENTORY. To think you actually spent millions revealing potentials just a month ago. =_=
DEX +6, LUK +6. Not bad, but wrong stats (Demon Avenger uses STR)..
The fucked up part about skill reorganisations... ALL YOUR CURRENT CHARACTERS WILL HAVE THEIR SP RESET. Happy pumping skills, till your fingers go blue like the Smurfs. :)

All in all, if you're expecting a big change (like the BigBang update) to Maple, then you WILL be disappointed. Otherwise, the reorganisations make Maple a really "noob friendly" game, so if you're really bored, no harm trying it out. The new jobs (Mihile, Phantom) are pretty fun as well. :)

On a side note..



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