
Showing posts from November, 2011


I WOKE UP AT 2PM TODAY. I guess the last 5 days of waking up at 6am has incurred a "sleep debt" in my body. But it should be like... Since I usually wake up at 10am, (10-6) x 5 = 20 hours?! So I have yet to repay ~5 hours of sleep debt. Fuck that, that doesn't make any sense. LOL So the first week of my COC went like... *whoosh* Meaning to say it was pretty fast.. LOL I learnt a lot more about leadership, though the first week was mainly lectures. And things I never thought the mind could do. Although the Singapore River trail was pretty tiring, we kinda scraped through it.. And I got this blister on my ankle. Which still hurts now.. :\ The most "ridiculous" thing that week was that we had to learn "dining etiquette". Seems pretty stupid to y'all, but since we have a dining in session next week, it was inevitable. And I learnt that there's much more than just poking your food and eating it. "First impression is of paramount importance"


Time to get something I haven't been getting for a long time. A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. So.. Goodnight. Shall blog about my first week of the course... Tomorrow. If I feel like it..


My 3 week long cadet officer course starts tomorrow. And I've yet to get my uniform ready.. So I actually figured out what's gonna happen during the 3 weeks, and I will actually be missing out on a lot of stuff. ): Like RED camp... And a job offer (with most of my classmates?) And blah blah blah. Also, I have to turn up for the course on the day after prom. So it's like... Partaye till 12am +++, sleep at 2am... Wake up at 6am the next day. MAJOR TURNOFF WTF LOL But I really hope the course turns out to be.... A little fun? And a little less strict please. We volunteered to come back so you all shouldn't treat us badly. :D Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So for the next 3 weeks, don't call/message me from 8am to 5pm (weekdays). And don't miss me. ): Ahh whatever as if anyone will. Wait, you probably won't.


When your computer plays tricks on you.. Well.. YOU KNOW YOU SUCK.

life's a boar.

The weather's really good nowadays. Like, really good. And everyone's going shopping for their prom clothes and yadda yadda yadda and here I am rotting at home. Finding stuff to do, playing suddenattack, finding stuff to eat, playing gameboy, finding uybgfiou1bf1. Yeah. That's life for me. Oh I just realised some of you guys still have your mother tongue papers. THIS POST IS NOT WRITTEN TO PICK ON YOU GUYS. But I'm sure many of you will experience the same thing from next week on. Now I'm actually thinking, maybe going for the 3 week long cadet officer course is not really a bad thing. But it's sure to get boring. Like wth, EVERYTHING gets boring. I need stuff to doooooooooooo qfkjqnfjkn1jrb1 Kk so today I went to the gym in the afternoon.. Went to watch Xincong play LAN later on... And there was a comp that was "logged in" to the admin account, so I used it for free. The comp went to screensaver mode so I hovered the cursor. I did not commit any cri

I have nothing against stupid people.

Alright guys. All of you gotta stop posting all that gory crap online. Yes, especially on Facebook. I think Facebook lost it's purpose of being a "social networking site" a long time ago.. Now it's just "hey look at this disgusting shit, take pity and share the joy". Seriously guys. Stop it. Firstly, it irks the shit out of people. Especially some people who are afraid of blood, have heart failure and etc. Have you even thought of them before sharing such crap? Secondly, nobody gives a fuck. And lastly, it's lame. And before you guys actually say that "this guy deserves to die because he killed the dog" or whatever fuck, have you ever thought of what they may be going through? They may be killings puppies and shit. But they may have a family to feed. (as quoted from a sensible man) You guys fail to view this perception because you are all simple minded. Or just take the easier way out. Don't give a shit. As if posting them up is gonna help

You buy iPad and iPhone 4S... FOR FUCK?!?!?!

I was happy that all my O level written papers are over, and my computer is back from repair. Now wtf. My dad got a fucking iPhone 4s. WHY THE FUCK. HE CAN'T EVEN USE THE IPAD PROPERLY. ALL HE KNOWS HOW TO DO IS DOWNLOAD SHIT APPS, SEX RELATED CRAP AND A WHOLE LOT OF SHIT. Now he wants me to waste my precious relaxation time to - Sync crap tones to his iPhone - Sync crap songs to his iPhone - Sync crap photos to his iPhone Seriously dad, if you're such a motherfucking moron, STOP TRYING TO ACT ALL TECH SAVVY AND BUY RETARDED WORTHLESS SHIT WHICH YOU CAN'T EVEN OPERATE. And most importantly, stop wasting my time. I don't have much time to relax. Annoyed as fuck. Once again, I shall post this.