I WOKE UP AT 2PM TODAY. I guess the last 5 days of waking up at 6am has incurred a "sleep debt" in my body. But it should be like... Since I usually wake up at 10am, (10-6) x 5 = 20 hours?! So I have yet to repay ~5 hours of sleep debt. Fuck that, that doesn't make any sense. LOL So the first week of my COC went like... *whoosh* Meaning to say it was pretty fast.. LOL I learnt a lot more about leadership, though the first week was mainly lectures. And things I never thought the mind could do. Although the Singapore River trail was pretty tiring, we kinda scraped through it.. And I got this blister on my ankle. Which still hurts now.. :\ The most "ridiculous" thing that week was that we had to learn "dining etiquette". Seems pretty stupid to y'all, but since we have a dining in session next week, it was inevitable. And I learnt that there's much more than just poking your food and eating it. "First impression is of paramount importance...