2017 in Review
What got me back into this site??
The sudden need to just draft out my experiences in text. 2017 was one hell of a rollercoaster ride and also the starting point of my career. Whether or not I'll be a soldier until I die... that's another story. But heck, let's just get on to it.
Commissioned as a fresh and dumb 2LT (2nd Lieutenant) just around a month ago, and posted into 38 SCE (Singapore Combat Engineers) not knowing what the hell to expect.
My life tempo really didn't change much, I was still staying in from Monday to Friday, I'm still doing duties (albeit a different kind of duty this time) and.. kind of still ending "work" only in the night.
(I signed on so I really shouldn't complain)
Eventually got posted into Bravo Company. The fun starts there.
May was the start of NDP rehearsals, also the start of the Saturday burning spree.
Most of the time spent at the Floating Platform was really just waiting (around 75% of the time), and it was reaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyy boring.
When you're not waiting, you and your team is in charge of tearing down the "supertree" which looks a lot more like an inflated condom.

Come on Singapore, wtf are those????
We would report straight to the platform every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, gather for a brief, dispatch to our respective locations, and just wait and wait and wait and wait and wait (this happened all the way till August).
Not to mention the trash food the "sponsors" got us. Just like feeding dogs.
NDP was the worst thing that happened this year. There was no learning values or whatever that can be taken from the event. But there were politics, some sacks of shit, and of course 14 extras that came along with this package.
Boy, do I love being in the army.... =_=
Come on guys I REALLY found this hamster by the roadside.
Now I have 2 packs of unused hamster food.
Sorry I can't spend more time squishing your buttocks.
Waking up at 7am to do push ups, sit ups and run 2.4km almost every week was a real pain, but I'm glad I made it in the end.
Hopefully I can keep this up for next year's IPPT test.
"Kiansam, when are you getting your IPPT Gold?"
Went to JB for some crazy dirt-biking session under the recommendation of Kumar..
Was scared as fuck because I had ZERO prior experience to riding a bike...
Got on the seat of a 150cc dirtbike, went through a 30 minute crash course (wtf) on how to ride a bike, and immediately took it to the trails.
We went through steep slopes, trenches, cows (HAHAHAHAHA), and damn, riding was a hell of an experience!!
The final leg of the course, riding on the asphalt road, was the best part.
Forgot the fact that I was riding without a license and just VROOOOOM-ed.
Would really love to go dirt-biking again.. :)
This was one of the good days to be a soldier...
In the same month, on another day, it was also a bad day to be a soldier.
Hope I don't snap when I eventually have to work under him.
Here I am.
Not sure what I'm looking forward to in the next year.
The conclusion of my tour in Bravo Company?
The plucking of my wisdom tooth?
Going for my university studies?
Getting my driving license?
A lot of my time in 2017 was spent in the Army..
I hope I have more time to do what I want next year.
Peace out.
The sudden need to just draft out my experiences in text. 2017 was one hell of a rollercoaster ride and also the starting point of my career. Whether or not I'll be a soldier until I die... that's another story. But heck, let's just get on to it.

Commissioned as a fresh and dumb 2LT (2nd Lieutenant) just around a month ago, and posted into 38 SCE (Singapore Combat Engineers) not knowing what the hell to expect.
My life tempo really didn't change much, I was still staying in from Monday to Friday, I'm still doing duties (albeit a different kind of duty this time) and.. kind of still ending "work" only in the night.
(I signed on so I really shouldn't complain)
Eventually got posted into Bravo Company. The fun starts there.

One of my first tasking in the unit was to become the Programme OIC for Milestone Parade. I did a bunch of stuff like liaising with external contractors, managing a group of people and many more. It was also my first contact with the complexities of SAF staff work (sigh).
Also, spent my birthday this year outfield (again) as OPFOR support for Alpha's Year 1 evaluation. The commanders got me a little cake and surprised me while I was sleeping in the office HAHAHA. Still thankful for that, it's stuff like these you won't ever forget :)
Bravo's Command Team Team Building and Team Learning (TBTL) Session at Changi Seaview Resorts.
The first time I was officially introduced to the Command Team of Bravo.
A bunch of wonderful people, I must say.
2nd big Milestone for Bravo Company: Army Dragon Boat Regatta.
I was the Stage Management OIC (if I'm not wrong) for the event, and even though it wasn't really tough work, seeing the event turn out successful made the trips to Marina Barrage worth it (I was on my OC's car most of the time HAHA).
It was also an eye opening experience, to be able to witness what goes behind the scenes of an Army-level event. Hope this experience may be useful for me in the future...

May was the start of NDP rehearsals, also the start of the Saturday burning spree.
Most of the time spent at the Floating Platform was really just waiting (around 75% of the time), and it was reaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyy boring.
When you're not waiting, you and your team is in charge of tearing down the "supertree" which looks a lot more like an inflated condom.
Come on Singapore, wtf are those????
We would report straight to the platform every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, gather for a brief, dispatch to our respective locations, and just wait and wait and wait and wait and wait (this happened all the way till August).
Not to mention the trash food the "sponsors" got us. Just like feeding dogs.
NDP was the worst thing that happened this year. There was no learning values or whatever that can be taken from the event. But there were politics, some sacks of shit, and of course 14 extras that came along with this package.
Boy, do I love being in the army.... =_=

But hey, I rather be there than be in camp..

~The unfortunate death of Squiwwel~
"Found you on the streets, almost killed you but still glad I managed to give you a decent little cage to live in. Neglected you a little too much since I was in camp for too long, I hope my lil sis did a good job taking care of you.. May guanyinma guide your way to hamster heaven where you can continue eating like a pig and finally have a decent running wheel.. :("
Come on guys I REALLY found this hamster by the roadside.
Now I have 2 packs of unused hamster food.
Sorry I can't spend more time squishing your buttocks.
![Took me almost 2 years. Good to see you =] RIP Silver Surfer 2015-2017](https://scontent-sin6-2.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/20065484_592226007832183_1776881820655157248_n.jpg)
It officially took me 7 attempts in the unit.
Hopefully I can keep this up for next year's IPPT test.
"Kiansam, when are you getting your IPPT Gold?"

Went to JB for some crazy dirt-biking session under the recommendation of Kumar..
Was scared as fuck because I had ZERO prior experience to riding a bike...
Got on the seat of a 150cc dirtbike, went through a 30 minute crash course (wtf) on how to ride a bike, and immediately took it to the trails.
We went through steep slopes, trenches, cows (HAHAHAHAHA), and damn, riding was a hell of an experience!!
The final leg of the course, riding on the asphalt road, was the best part.
Forgot the fact that I was riding without a license and just VROOOOOM-ed.
Would really love to go dirt-biking again.. :)
Platoon 1 Command Team. Fast, Focused, First!
~Engineer Pioneer Course Graduation~
Juggling NDP rehearsals and in-camp training was really a pain in the ass..
Really appreciate the fact that I have a great Command Team who can tolerate my retarded stunts and nonsense.
Also felt a small sense of achievement and pride when my lil boys (HAHA) finally graduate from being a scrub soldier to being a Pioneer.
Hope they keep up the good work.. at least try not to drop the ball until I post out of Bravo HAHAHA
In the same month, on another day, it was also a bad day to be a soldier.
Hope I don't snap when I eventually have to work under him.
Here I am.
Not sure what I'm looking forward to in the next year.
The conclusion of my tour in Bravo Company?
The plucking of my wisdom tooth?
Going for my university studies?
Getting my driving license?
A lot of my time in 2017 was spent in the Army..
I hope I have more time to do what I want next year.
Peace out.