Well shit.

Well shit.

It seems that I really don't have time to be blogging anymore.
But I just got reminded of this page a few days back, like... it just came through my mind.
So I went and looked at my old blog posts.

I must say that I have grown quite a lot HAHAHAHA

Well anyway the point is... This is actually a pretty good platform to be jotting down "milestones" in my life so that I'll have something to look back at in the future.


and so... My life is kinda revolving around BMT right now.
You know, I never really regretted entering PTP (Physical Training Phase, 2 months earlier enlistment than the physically able HAHA), since there have been visible improvements to my physique and stamina.
I used to run 2.4km in 15 minutes, which was really a fucking joke. Now I'm obtaining straight silvers for my IPPTs =]

Besides severe lack of sleep and "same shit different day" kinda stuff, I'm actually...... kinda..... enjoying my life in Pulau Tekong.

Now let's talk about something that only recently ended: field camp.

Field camp in 3 words: Mud, Sweat and Tears.

It was ALL MUD. It rained for 5 out of the 6 days we were outfield. The harbouring area (where we rested) was surrounded by mud all over.
You are always stepping on mud.
Your boots are 4kg heavy because there was always a lump of mud stuck underneath.
You spend 10 minutes stoning, deciding what item to take off first but you end up "fucking it" anyway because EVERYTHING is going to get dirty and muddy.
You are sleeping on mud. Not the best experience but shit happens.
Not to mention those crawls on the mud.. x_x

And.. the rain.
The rain was always an on/off kind of thing..
and just like the rain you had to put your raincoat on/off.
Which was really a hassle cuz you had to take off your Load Bearing Vest and unpack the raincoat again and again and again..
Kinda like a drill.

It didn't rain when we were digging our shellscrape though. I guess we should be thankful for that. But still, digging the shellscrape seemed like a never-ending process of digging your own grave.
Although I do not have a bed at home, I'm really really thankful for my mattress now HAHA

So after days so prone-ing in the mud and rain, eating meals off green packets (combat rations) and losing my way in the darkness at night, I received the letter from my family.
My sisters wrote stupid stuff. Really stupid stuff which made me tear anyway.
But the breaking point was when I read my mother's note.

It seems like a typical mother's note but..
Idk why, maybe I was too shag so I cry easier? HAHA
And yes, now you guys are aware of how cocky I am at home. HAHAHAHA

On a higher note, less than a month more to passing out parade.
Almost died doing 12km march yesterday.
I hope to survive the 24km without problems.. =]

See you soon.


Sam said…
Ni shi shui LOL~

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