
Showing posts from March, 2013

MORE WORK AND Review: Rayven CS-18

Taking the graveyard shift at work (11pm to 7am) for the very first time today.. I don't think I'm ready for it, and I'm also going out early in the morning on Monday so I think I'm pretty screwed. But I've went to work without sleep for a day before so.. I guess I can make it.. (not considering the fact that I almost fell asleep while standing still) Anyways, it's my manager Jason's last day at the AMK Hub branch today. I'm actually pretty sad cuz I didn't get to send him off or something.. It's gonna be different at work without him. No one's gonna.. - Say about how slow I work - Scold me when I'm not doing something appropriate - Pronounce my name wrongly multiple times - Beat me in Scramble (okay, it's still going to happen) But I personally think, it's all the shit that I went through that makes me a better person altogether. My time here may be short, but you've been a good mentor and an inspiration. Good


"Annual branch dinner", or whatever you call it, yesterday. Good food, good mates, and good drinks. BAM. The picture above is the ONLY picture in which I do not look: - Red-faced - Like a maniac - Like I'm trying to cover my face 90% of the time A good time to just unwind and chill out after "working so hard" for "a year".. HAHA Okay nothing much to say about this. MY LIFE IS JUST THAT BORING. Went home, had difficulties sleeping because of headache, woke up at 2am with more headache, and unknowingly fell asleep. Almost late for work the next day (today), my grandma had to wake me up =_= And I can't believe, I CAN'T BELIEVE what crossed my mind at work yesterday. My manager was telling me about coming back to Fairprice after NS as a team leader, and went on explaining about many of the benefits. Although the basic pay is little, if my performance was good, I can easily get 5 months worth of bonuses. Sounds a little too goo

Review: NERF Reflex IX-1

I've figured something out. Since I'm such a "shameless" Nerf blaster collector, instead of just keeping them for fuck's sake, why not I do a little review about them? Let's just start with blasters that you guys MAY probably buy because of it's price. A measly $9.90.. The Nerf Reflex IX-1. At first glance, it sure looks like a little nugget-like pistol for babies. But that's where you are wrong. PACKAGING STATES IT'S FOR AGES 8 AND ABOVE. Okay, still baby-ish.. nvm let's get to the point. ): The blaster's really "chunky" for something of it's size, but it has a very nice feel when gripping it. Albeit the size of the grip.. Your hand is probably a little too big for it. Actually, even 8 year olds WILL have a spare pinky hanging when holding it. Other than that, not much problems ergonomic-wise. It can fit into most pockets without problems, so it can be a really effective quickdraw blaster :) Firing the thing i

T1K5 chalet~

Was at Aloha Changi chalet the past 3 days with my poly mates. Since this was "a little" last minute, not a lot of people turned up, but nonetheless we had lots of fun. As you can see from the picture below, the chalet is actually kinda.. old and run-down, there were mosquitoes everywhere and there was even (a little out of topic) a limit imposed on how long you can use the air-con. There are extra charges if you exceed the limits. Cheapskate as fuck. But on the other hand, the chalet had A LOT of space, effectively 4x bigger than the 1 room chalet at Coasta Sands I used to squeeze in. But we ended up using one room for the games anyway because of the shitty air-con shit. We can't live without air-con. Okay so first night. As usual, we drank. Martell, proudly sponsored (gotta return the favour sometime) by Zhikuang. (There was Vodka too) Surprisingly, I didn't puke OR get drunk, I was all high. Which is considered a pretty great achievement given that I u

My Saturday nights.

As the title of the posts suggests.. How I spend my Saturday nights. Firstly, I do NOT have time on Saturday mornings and afternoons because of work. So I try to get the most out of the remaining time I have during the weekends. I'm glad my budz are willing to take the time out of the busy schedules (maybe) just to go out together at night. But my mom's calling me a lot recently so.. I guess I shouldn't get her worried so much.. Okay so breaking from the usual schedule of bowling and pool, bowling and pool.. We went to Mingwei's house for some post-CNY gambling. There was me, Samuel, Amanda and Yunfann. And yeah, we had a great time just screaming around, intimidating the banker by opening one card in blackjack, ... playing 1 on 1 blackjack, ... playing 4 (or 1) tile mahjong, or just chilling out. We played so late into the night that I didn't sleep at all... and went to work the next day. I almost overslept during my lunch break (I could