
Showing posts from May, 2012


ONLY IN NP: Where a 19 inch FLAT SCREEN monitor.. Is actually.. Flat indeed. So far poly life was all good (sort of) for me.. Except for some subjects which are getting really crappy. Like Electrical Technology and Electronics (ETE). The lecturer isn't a bad guy, it's just that he's going at a ridiculously fast speed. I know we'll be missing 1 week of lecture cause you got your reservist.. But don't go speeding up the lectures like that! -shall not be blunt here- But just saying, I don't understand a single thing in the topics, and I think I'm gonna get fucked during the common test. Hope everything goes well in the weeks to come.. And really, I had enough of you poly fucktards complaining about how poly is more stressful than JC and shit. Rant 1: "Go to a poly they said. It will be easier than JC they said." Yes, it indeed IS easier than JC. I do not know what kind of shit homework you have been getting, but at least I know that my amount of home

Happy mudders' day.

BCT (basic course training) for shooting club today. I had to attend this course to get my license, without it I won't be able to fire guns and stuff. The location for the course was pretty far away, so I had to wake up at like... 6am.. And slept on the mrt. So the lecture was blah blah blah.. (kinda slept through it as well) And here's the exciting part, the firing practice. ... Hand kept shaking when I was aiming down the sights, you can guess what happened next. (top 2 for air rifle, bottom 2 for air pistol) Guess I'm more accustomed to the air pistol. KEEP THE COMMENTS TO YOURSELF. Okay on a higher note, it's mothers' day. So yay. I don't usually get gifts for my mom, but when I do... I get sushi. But it's still better than nothing, I guess. HAHA ULTRA FAGGY SMILE. Eyes appear kinda distorted here, but who cares? Oh when my younger sis was taking this photo, she was asking why I didn't have Instagram. FYI, I do not use 3rd party camera apps to "

Bad foot day.

Didn't go to school today cuz I just went to see the doc.. About my badly infected foot. So bad that it's almost rotting. And this the amount of medicine I got... Real pain in the ass, first I have to wash my foot with some purple water, let it dry, then apply some antiseptic cream... And eat 2 kinds of pills. One of which induces drowsiness. Also, I can't (advised not to) wear covered shoes for a month. I wonder how am I going to work and do lab experiments.... But at least, there is a chance that it will heal now? And my mom can finally have a piece of mind.. UNLESS this doesn't work and I have to go to the Skin Centre for follow-up next week. I've only got myself to blame, for letting this condition worsen... Oh well.. So I got bored waiting for the medicine to dry up, and started going through my drawers.. And found some interesting stuff. Name tags of my life Let's go through them one by one... Secondary school nametag: This is the one that holds the most m