Okay guys, relax...?

Okay this article may seem familiar to most of you people... So since I have nothing much to do (my laptop burns when I play 3D games), I shall talk about this little big article. "A woman sparked a massive outcry on the Internet with an insensitive remark about the death of a full-time national serviceman (NSF) who collapsed during training on April 17. The NSF, 21-year-old Private Dominique Sarron Lee Rui Feng, died after he experienced breathing difficulties during a training exercise on Tuesday. After news of the NSF's death was reported online, the woman, Ms. Zheng Huiting who is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in fine arts in Australia said in her Facebook post, "Singaporeans too weak? LOL (laugh out loud)."" Uh okay. So she posted a comment on Facebook, and she got STOMPed. Firstly, it was wrong for her to be doing this. It is not showing respect to the NSF at all, but come on. Take a closer look at what she said. ...