
Showing posts from April, 2012

Okay guys, relax...?

Okay this article may seem familiar to most of you people... So since I have nothing much to do (my laptop burns when I play 3D games), I shall talk about this little big article. "A woman sparked a massive outcry on the Internet with an insensitive remark about the death of a full-time national serviceman (NSF) who collapsed during training on April 17. The NSF, 21-year-old Private Dominique Sarron Lee Rui Feng, died after he experienced breathing difficulties during a training exercise on Tuesday. After news of the NSF's death was reported online, the woman, Ms. Zheng Huiting who is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in fine arts in Australia said in her Facebook post, "Singaporeans too weak? LOL (laugh out loud)."" Uh okay. So she posted a comment on Facebook, and she got STOMPed. Firstly, it was wrong for her to be doing this. It is not showing respect to the NSF at all, but come on. Take a closer look at what she said.

Poly life?

I hope you guys are having a great time in poly. I heard you guys have been learning all sorts of stuff like... Learning to use photoshop? And even burning away time watching movies.. I feel like a loser having to get started on stuff like math and physics related modules. Okay the whole School of Engineering is doing these too so I shouldn't really be complaining but.. Walao , seriously damn sore leh. LOL Here's a sneak peak of what I have been studying for the past 3 days. For those of you who are interested. A little bit of math..     Physics monster is back.   And okay wtf I actually queued 5 and a half hours yesterday to buy NP shirts only to realise that the black dri fits are sold out and that they only had 2 payment counters for like a whole line of a few hundred people in fact it's almost close to a thousand and I'm actually near the end of the line so you can imagine how fucking boring it was being in the queue and how annoying it


Hello people. The new look for Blogger is horrible... Or maybe I'm not yet used to it. The interface is getting way more complicated as well.. So... I got a week off from work to prepare for poly. School orientation program coming this Wednesday and Thursday. And NCC affirmation on Saturday. Not really a good week...... But at least I'm getting some well deserved sleep. :D I'm starting to miss working already. Maybe cuz I was working too much, so when I stop all of a sudden it feels as if something is "missing" from my life.. Well.. I do hope I get used to studying soon HAHA ... NEED TO BUY MORE CLOTHES SOON. HORRIBLE TIMETABLE, JUST HORRIBLE. But Thursday and Friday gives me plenty of time to sleep. Add in the weekends and that makes 4 days of good sleep in a row. Awesome much. AND WHAT THE ____ IS "IS MATH"? I HOPE I DON'T HAVE TO MUG HARDCORE LIKE WHAT I DID FOR AMATH LAST YEAR. But Xincong's in my course so...
NOT A GOOD DAY Stuff happened. Lost some important documents. Maplestory cannot load. Nothing to do now. zz so tired.