
Showing posts from August, 2011


My dad needs to know that it's not only my older sister that's in the wrong. When my younger sis shouts at you, you play play with her, like nothing was wrong. Then just because my older sis brings her boyfriend home, which did not directly offend you, you scream all over the house like a dog. You think you're treating all three of us equally? And now, you're screaming at my mom. Trust me dad, as long as I object it, my jie will NEVER move out when she's 21. When I say it's enough, I mean it. Shut the fuck up. Everything around me seems fucked. What the fuck. Fuck my life.

awesome day out.

It has really been a while since I went out with Saimen, Bonn, and Leslie. Brother Junli and my junior Andrew was there as well. And today, since Saimen asked me whether I wanted to "see them fly", I couldn't say no, right? Anyway, I've got like... a week to study for the next paper. So... No harm experiencing "a day of a kite flyer's life". And it was way more inspiring than I thought it would be! When I saw the kite flying freely in the sky, I felt an immediate affection towards kite flying. (sounds so cliche ). But anyway, it looks really fun! *Saimen flying his kite.* Fyi, this kite is remote controlled, no strings attached. Not those kind of kites you see at Marina Barrage. Yeah, this kind of kite. We slacked around at the GoFlyKite shop throughout the afternoon, playing flight simulators. Memories of my 3-month training for the Basic Aero Wing course suddenly gushed into my head. Man, I kinda miss those days.... Night fly

The bell curve.

Candidates taking GCE ‘O’ Level may feel familiar with term ‘bell curve’. Yes, it is the curve that determines whether candidate will get A1, A2, B3, B4, C5, C6, D7, E8 or F9. There is a quota of students who can get a certain grade (it is harder to get A1 because of the quota despite the ability of a candidate, it all somehow depends on luck). When I was taking GCE ‘O’ Level a year ago, my teachers kept saying “Don’t worry! If the whole Singapore doesn’t do well for (a particular subject), the bell curve will come in handy.” They say only the good thing. And that is for the worst-case scenario. But today, as my Research-Arts teacher Malgosia said, the bell curve isn’t good at all and it is actually bias . In the past almost all universities use the curve to determine whether a student has a good grade or not. Lately, many universities have scrapped the usage of the curve because it is promoting sneakiness, cheating and unhealthy rivalry . Education is supposed to be shared


Yesterday was officially the last day of school.... Before prelim 2. And wtf am I doing here. #@^$@$(**&#)%&#! Anyway, had a really good time yesterday afternoon chatting with Mingkian, Qunhan, Shei and Hanyi about teachers we hate. In conclusion, we hate teachers that show favouritism . I'm sure some of you guys do too. Well, if you're gonna treat them like that, no point doing well for your subject anyway. Just you wait. ~~~ My hair really does grow fast. A week passed, and my hair ain't that prickly anymore. 2 more weeks, and my hair will be all bouncy again. I guess I need a shorter cut next time... BUT CAN IT GO ANY SHORTER? Had a room painting session this afternoon, and couldn't study really well because the paint is smelly. And the house is in quite a mess, LOL. Anyway, my uncle saw me and went.. " 你 好 像 变 肥 了leh." (You look like you've become fatter.) Looks like too much carbohydrates for dinner ain't reall

I did not expect much.



English O Level oral today. Waiting outside the examination room was really boring, and I don't really think the people preparing their "reading aloud" and "picture discussion" could focus because the school is so fucking noisy. Well, how about this. I'm sure you inconsiderate assholes wouldn't want people to be all noisy and distracting you during your major examination. So please , for the next 9 schooling days, stfu. Please spread the word around, the whole school needs to know this. And don't be offended in any way, it's for the better good. If you're a quiet guy/gal, you're cool alright. Especially you guys, stfu. And yeah, I'm sure many of you guys seen my hair today. So.... What the heck is with all the reactions. *laughs immediately* *don't know whether to laugh or to cry* *oooh, nice to touch* Okay, I admit it's nice to touch. But seriously... Is it THAT bad? I think it's pretty...

Happy belated National Day.

Haven't been updating or reviewing my blog lately, I guess I'm getting lazier. Not because I'm THAT occupied with homework/revision/shit. O level's ~90 days away, note to self. 2 days ago: Best way to spend time during a useless school day: KartRider Rush with Junping, Speed and Wank (Xincong). It was boring day, seriously. There wasn't even a need to go to school! And the parade was... ... *no comments* Please note that "no comments" does not mean "speechless". I'm just saying. KartRider retards. Obviously I'm the one showing my teeth and laughing my ass off. IT WAS REALLY FUN. ~~~ Yesterday was not well spent at all. But I finished 3 chapters of Physics anyway. Wait, it was well spent. ~~~ Today: Went to find Xincong at the library this morning, after going all the way to Bedok to carry stuff for my grandma home. I'll be doing that more often, soon. I finished the geog consultation "homework
I find the way you "pity" people... Worth pitying. :D


If you guys wanna know my L1R5, come ask me. it sucks so badly I don't even want to reveal it here. At least, the intensive for my amaths paid off, and now I find myself able to solve many questions from past year papers. Now it's time to get intensive for.. Physics? Geography? Try to save my combined sciences? I'm trying man. Just don't know why it isn't working out. Sigh, you guys already suck so much in studies, why do you guys want to ruin your life even more? "All of us wear specs" huh. Come on lah , you wear it too. And wearing specs doesn't mean you're a nerd or anything. It just means you're fucking stupid. Pfft. Noobs. (:

stupid music players.

Mixpod is going to annoy the balls out of me. I can't even put proper songs on my playlist, and it's mainly because of copyright issues. Song like these on Youtube, when it is seemingly the "official" version, can't be broadcast anyhow. But seriously, if you can put it on Youtube, where EVERYONE can see it, why can't you put it on my blog, where only a tiny number of people can see it? Just find these "copyright" shit a bit pointless. Just wanna screw up the lives of youths. -Screw you, vevo.- Next, even songs with a littlest acknowledgement of the official artist.. CAN'T be put on my playlist. Like wtf? (refer to picture below) So it's not really my fault if the song on my blog's in Chinese, Korean, whateverblahblahblah. If you guys have any better music playing widgets to recommend, leave a tag please. And yeah, I may be changing my blogging platform to Livejournal. Blogger's really laggy and shit. And the template edition's pis