Yay. It's Friday.

Well school is finally over, but Conquer O next week just had to f**k things up.
Well, I better start paying attention in class if I want my As.
Air training today.
One of the better (and worse) trainings.
Firstly, a toaster was introduced to the air room yesterday.
I never thought that it was fully functional, and Gabriel start toasting bread this morning.
The smell of bread went up my nose and...
Well, it just went up my nose.
Today was also one of the trainings which I seriously got angry. Shouldn't talk much about it, it's not as if I want to.
If you guys are not interested in doing drills, why would I be interested to teach and drill you guys?
PT was pretty screwed, as the heavy downpour canceled the games.
But oh well.
After training, we went to play basketball.
And then worked out at the fitness corner awhile.
And I realised something.
I can do THREE pull ups.
Now that's an improvement.
I'm going to continue working hard, and hopefully I can get a gold for next year's napfa.
Mini showcase at AMKPS tomorrow.
Can't blog much, needa sleep.
I'm tired.