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Its my birthday!
i love all my friends!
so what's the big f*** anyways?
me: "mum, its my birthday!"
mum: "so?"
me: "where's my present?"
mum: " eh u think you birthday very BIG isit? come eat your dinner la!"
me: @#&@^$&$^%^@
(mum never even wished me "happy birthday".)
seriously, my family doesn't even care if its my birthday or my death.
father went to malaysia.
grandma completely forgot about it.
aunt escaped to my future uncle's hse, just to avoid giving me present (cheap).
only my younger sis got me an op pencil case (love it!).
the rest leh?
nothing special.
i foresaw this anyway.
let's just accept the fact that my birthday is just another ordinary day.
once again, thanks to everyone who wished me "happy birthday".
and thanks elysa for that awesome breakfast.
its partly our fault u got your _____ down.
i just hope that u remain who u are, cos we love it.
dun just completely change ur personality just because some fucking asshole _____ your _____.
you are, who you are.
and all the best to u.