kianny's farewell speech to 2/1 boys only (sry for being a sexist)

okay lets go by register number.

shuojian- you are one very funny guy. of course, a great fren to hang out with. and you are good frens with everyone! well, i hope that you could do better in ur studies and dun play sa all day! ahahahaha. all the best.

thomas- u never fail to bring laughter to the class. but sometimes, u can be kind of annoying (LOL), so... uhhh. laugh more? LOL. dun forget ur studies! it is most impt. xD

kianwai- u are so far the tallest guy i had ever seen. u are a very "kind" person (in a sense), so dun bully ppl for no reason! u have changed alot frm the past 2 years (nt height). hope u do well in ur studies, and STOP PON-ING CCA!

mingwei- thanks for everything. u are one of my closest frens and the one i trust most. we will see each other in om nxt year so dun be sad! xD. hope u do better in ur maths nxt year and very hopefully, u can win me. lols. anyway, thanks xD

shuenboon- u are a very retarded person. u are always in the centre of attention, but sometimes get way too cocky. control ur temper dude, and all the best to you in ur studies!

haikal- u are way smarter and attractive than me. u are a good leader, and thnx for being the chairperson for a pathetic 2 years. ur contributions to the class will nvr be forgotten. wish u all the best and... GROW TALLER!

eddie- darn u are so freaking smart, and i hate you! no need to wish u luck in ur studies liao la. u are a very quiet person, hope u can become more ALIVE! good luck in trying to break ur voice, so u can shout commands in ncc. LOL

wenshei- thnks for being a brother with me for 2 years! hope we go to the same class nxt year.u are a very fun guy, and a real good fren to hang out with. wish u will one day gain the power of breaking out from your mother's world of exile and be free! all the best to you.



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