MapleStory Season 2: Not so impressive after all

Hi guys. For those of you who are thinking of going back to Mapling for the "brand new season", I hope my little write-up coming up will keep you a little more informed of what's happening, before using up an hour to re-download the game. So.. The long awaited MapleStory Season 2. tbh, I actually stayed up till 12am on the release date to patch my current version, but the auto-patcher screwed up and.. I ended up playing the next day anyway(patcher screwed up after a delay of 4.5 hours for the server maintenance). After I logged in, there wasn't much of a change in the menu.. And a few minutes into the game, I realised that there wasn't MUCH OF A CHANGE AT ALL (visually). Some notable in-game changes: - Job advancement level changes (60 for 3rd job, 100 for 4th job) - Secondary stat requirement for all equipments removed - Major skill reorganisation - Item drop rate adjusted, to sky high levels - Item selling rate to NPCs reduces drastically - NPCs n...