
Showing posts from February, 2011


I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hate studying I hope my parents can stop telling me to study. But I know I need to. The recent tests got me in a mess. And that shitload of math homework too. I tried, but I REALLY DON'T KNOW how to do! Alright, I'm a fucking idiot. ... ... ALRIGHT, I NEED A RESOLVE. I fucking swear to start studying seriously, by paying attention in class and doing ALL homework as much as possible, AFTER TERM 1 ENDS. Steps to take to achieve that goal: -Bathe in the morning? LOL -Sleep early. -Stop mousehunting in class. -Stop sleeping in class. Seems easy enough, but I don't think I'll be able to get away for failing so many tests. FML
Am I making life harder for myself? Argh I don't want to think.

Happy birthday to me..

Every year is the same. Birthday like no big shit. But this year, kns. Firstly, school emergency exercise. Wtf, pointless time wasting shit. Secondly, AP still resumes. But it's not really a bad thing, I learnt Chem with Shei today. Thirdly, some fucked up shit. I love how you have balls to shoot directly at people. And hate how fked up you are for not daring to say in my face. Seriously, if you want to insult people, just say it in their face lah. Why stand aside and hurt people's ego? While you're at it, at least realise that it's their birthday today. And you fucking ruined it. _|_ Fourthly, fked up dinner at home. And I doubt my parents even KNOW it's my birthday. Seriously, not even a wish? Dicks. And I throw the plate at the basin, because you give me shitty food, you come kp me. Fk off and die lah pls. I seriously envy how people spend their birthdays, whether it's with friends, family or etc. FML.


Argh, wasted 8 hours today on that stupid food hygiene course. Ah well, if I wanna upgrade from a lobby crew (saikang warrior) to some counter shit, I have to work for it. The practical test's next week! Ah yes, another Sunday fly. Chatted a lot with Saimen on the MRT. We sure do have lotsa things in common. Just kinda realised that my blog is damn dry without pictures. Shall try to get some... soon? Bwarfgh.
When sadness turns into rage and anger, something is DEFINITELY wrong.

Gimme some skin!

Finally, at long last, the class drama is OVER. But it kinda screwed up, as in Gideon forgot most of his lines and shit, even though he's holding the script (?) -.- But even so, it was a really great job back there, gentlemen. Gimme some skin! And yes, I looked damn stupid on stage. So... What's next?

Happy Valentine's day, anyway...

Well, kinda feeling like a shithead because I didn't give anyone anything. But I'm thankful for having such great friends by my side. And some assholes who made me a better person. I'm still hoping for...
Guess I wasn't taking precautions. What should I do now? Are you mad at me?

Im f**ked.

Studies recently kinda fucked up... By not coming to school for just ONE day, I screwed up one whole chapter of Physics. -_-... And I owe Miss Lee a shitload of Chemistry homework. I NEED HELP!!! -________________- Realised that class drama is only a week away. That makes me more fucked than ever. ARGH MapleGlobal is fun, and definitely much better than MapleSEA. The new Resistance jobs are definitely worth a try. Stop waiting for the MapleSEA update, not worth the wait. LOL! Disappointing.

Eat, pray, wha-?

Boring weekends, well sort of. So today Leslie and his family brought me to pray. Yes pray. I never knew they were serious until they REALLY brought me to the temple today. I kinda learned that, it IS good to believe in a god. At least something that my mother will not object. Hopefully I'll be a better person? And not like some ass who became Christian just to get his pathetic sins forgiven. And still committing them. Failure in life. And yay, went out to nex with Leslie's family later on. Played LAN with Leslie and Leon (his bro). And LOL, PSG-1 is indeed a really good semi-auto sniper rifle. Leslie's bro utilizes its power really well. In fact, I can say he's better than me (sometimes). Future gamer. Hohoho. Had a vegetarian dinner after that, and vege food is NOT that disgusting, and it's also good for your health. I should try it sometime. I mean, a veggie diet. :O Kinda realised what kind of a person am I. And shit people don't like about me. Hope I can fi


Boring CNY indeed. Whole afternoon of spamming iPod at home. At night no one to play mahjong with. Hope tomorrow turns out to be better. :\