Hello Kitty hype: WTF???

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151504834032934 OKAY OKAY WTF AND AT FIRST I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST A LIMITED EDITION PLUSH TOY *with reference to the video above* So this faggot has been complaining NON-STOP to the poor McD manager just because the number of fucking plushies he can buy is reduced from 4 to 2. Okay. So.. YOU CAN STILL FUCKING GET IT. YOU'RE BETTER OFF THAN A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE WHO QUEUED LONGER THAN YOU AND CAN'T GET IT AT ALL. You demand an explanation for this? YOU'RE A FUCKING GROWN UP AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT LITTLE STUFF LIKE THIS? Or the fact that each of them is actually worth a few thousands of dollars? Complaining over your petty little earnings? Acting all gangster and shit? I doubt imbecile morons like you even have a proper job. PLEASE LAH. Even if they ARE WORTH a few thousands of dollars, the manager at mac definitely don't deserve your fucking little rants. THEY HAVE A WHOLE LOT OF YOU FUCKERS TO DEAL WITH, IF I W...