
Showing posts from May, 2013

My bucket list

I owe you guys a big one for not updating for 2 weeks. Since there's nothing much happening in my life, here it is. my bucket list. I'll start with the things I have already achieved first (usually stuff I wished for when I was a kid). 1. OWN A NINTENDO DS (and play Pokemon) [ACHIEVED] - My love for Pokemon started when I was playing the emulated version of Red and Blue (you read it right, RED AND BLUE) on my Nokia phone (smartphones were non-existent back then). Raising virtual midgets and battling with them was really fun. Unknowingly, I spent many hours into the game, and soon I desired even better versions of the game. My very first console game (on my GBA) was a second hand FireRed version. I eventually got enough money to buy the DS for myself, and yeah.. still having fun with my Pokemon LOL 2. OWN A SHOULDER-LENGTH NERF BLASTER [ACHIEVED] - When I was young, my mother usually let me go around the mall by myself when we went out shopping for stuff. I spe


PONNED 2 LESSONS OF IDEA BURDEN UNINTENTIONALLY. Everyone wasn't having classes and had to do "field work" for the presentation next week. Well, almost everyone. I just found out that I HAD TO ATTEND CLASSES today, so it turns out that I have already skipped 2 out of the 4 lessons of Idea Burden (Blueprint). That makes 50% attendance. I'm screwed. and I can't skip any more lessons now. and I think I'm gonna screw up the presentation. GOOD THING IT'S ONLY A PASS/FAIL MODULE. Advanced math tomorrow morning. Wednesdays (and Tuesdays) have officially became Mondays.