
Showing posts from December, 2012


One of the many (okay, only) highlights of my holidays: the boat BBQ with Speed, Theng and gang. How often do you actually get to sit on a boat, enjoy good food with your good friends and "eat wind" with the magnificent view of the country at night? I take this as a "day off" from my usual work-eat-sleep schedule. Let the pictures do the talking. Just about to get on the boat. Would be better if the deck wasn't wet (We had to walk in the rain to get to the jetty, which kinda sucked).. *whoosh* Magnificent night sky. And yeah. I never got seasick, which meant the seasickness pills were effective. We also had a short exploration "campaign" on St. John's island, but didn't go deep as the island was all dark (surprisingly, hardly any light was on).. And also, jumped off the 2nd level of the boat. Not only land of course, into the water. It was fun, but the water was really salty so we just jumped off twice. Headed b

Chronicles of JB - Part 1

You know, sometimes.. It's the smallest things in life that teaches us the biggest lessons. So firstly, I had a day off today. I asked for it so I can finish up most of my (overdue) assignments and maybe study a bit. Common tests are coming, after all. So this morning, I went to Malaysia with pops. Just for your info, I don't go there to shop or whatever, we just get breakfast, buy some fruits, pump petrol and head home. But today is special. Okay so-called, since I started to take a better look at the stuff around me. Kway Chap at "Restoran Multi Mart". As usual, it's great. Good food in the morning always makes your stomach happy. :) But I wonder, how do they actually make such good food with so little space? I turned around and took a closer look at the stall. Everything was just there. Gravy, pig organs, kway, and the trash. May actually sound like a "major turnoff" for many of you clean people. But the fact that they can make such good