
Showing posts from August, 2010


We seriously lack mutual understanding. It solves all problems.

Back to normal.

Air comp's finally over! Although we didn't clinch the top 3 positions, don't brood so much over it (bravos). We have at least done our best. What's gone is gone. What's over is over. It all seems pretty wasted but... Oh well. *sigh* The PDS people flew our planes today after air comp when we came back to school. The planes crashed manymany times but they're still flyable. But are they fixable? I don't know. I shall now name Xuanzhao's air comp plane "mine". MINE SHALL BE MINE. And mine can't fly. School no budget. Pffffffffffffffffffffffft. I'm back to my normal life again. It sucks to be normal.


Air comp is in 2 days time! Although me myself, don't really think our planes are ready, we're all gonna do our best! (seeing other school's backflips with the cessna really made my day.) (Our wonderful Bravos in action?) All I have to say is, to my Bravos, that you guys worked really hard for this. Despite all the pumpings and crashes and etc. So do your best on Saturday! Don't crash, but most importantly, enjoy yourselves. Xuanzhao you better get rid of your flyophobia. Senior Yinonn came back today! I had fun having record breaking sessions with him. In the end I won the Pylon Racing event (in simulator) with a time of 24.2 seconds with a Yak-54. New record for Spot Landing (size 1.5)- 11 (: Really brings back the good old days... And... Tomorrow the school's closing early, so we're putting our planes in HQ. That stinks, but yeah. Last day of training. Let's rock!

What's wrong with me?

(HP +7, Defense +5, Sp. Defense +7?! EV training sure helps...) Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad. Some things make me worry, but when I think twice, I don't give a shit. Sometimes I become very sensitive, sometimes I just don't fugg care. I think I have split personalities.

I'm no longer myself?

Once again. Have I even came across your mind? Have you guys even bothered trying to contact me? Am I not your friend anymore? If you think I pangsehed you guys, can you even approach me about it? What am I to you guys? A disposable plastic bag?

Wasted Thursday.

I woke up with a sore throat and cough and runny nose today. So I decided that I should not go to school. I slept till around 11am. Went to the polyclinic at around 2pm. The waiting time there was like.... 2 HOURS?! Spammed music and handphone games (no life). And it was like blah blah blah... Came home and slept again. I missed the extra math lesson today so I'm gonna screw the test next week. And... WENSHEI SAID I GOT 24/25 FOR THE EMATH TEST. Happy but sad. BECAUSE THE ONE MARK WAS A CARELESS MISTAKE. Bearing must write 006 degrees I go write 6 degrees. F***. I'm not fated for full marks anyway. -_-

I "love" Mondays.

Today was boring. Just like every Monday. I did not do Math homework again, and I'm not feeling THAT confident about the upcoming test tomorrow. In fact, I think I'm screwed. Help? -_-... Took the bravos for flyer distribution cip just now. Mission: Stuff flyers promoting the school's recycling project thing into people's mailboxes. Who reads flyers anyway? They just throw them all away. Like my mother. Me and Bonn met Seowmeng and Sat's team at the coffeeshop when we were finished. I met something nicer. How TYPICAL can Singaporeans get? But that, really made my day. :D Rained heavily later on. Couldn't bother waiting for the rain to stop, and I had no umbrella. I called Qunhan but he didn't want to save me as he "didn't want to get drenched again". Walked in the rain. Sucked. My nose's dripping water now. Urgh.
I HAVE A PROBLEM TRYING TO UPLOAD EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BLOGSKIN. Yes, I got my computer back, but FUCK! FUCKKKKK. Aiya. Next time then try lah. -.- Edit: Finally "finished" it. (Sort of) Will start updating tomorrow. And PEOPLE PLEASE TELL ME ALL OF YOUR LINKS I LOST THEM ALL.. T_T