
Showing posts from January, 2009
today received the prize for the bridge making thing... LUCKILY mr ong pronounced my name properly... i hate my name zzz cny finally over. this year was s**t received so little angpow total add up to $130 only... so sian last year got more la... but nvm eating steamboat till 9th day of cny! lol played dm in class during recess mr ong came in (omg) and said ''i tot our school does not allow card games'' lucky he did not confiscate PHEW! NO MORE SECOND CHANCES! (i have no intention to revive dm though) sad lah shuen boon now wan all the foils i bought from him back cos his fren buying them at $20 each aiya sadcase la hehe im a sadist
went to watch the firecrakers thing with my aunt and blah blah blah (no need to know) first we walk walk around chinatown... and squeezing like hell then waited for the firecrakers lucky we can still see a bit unlike that old lady who saw nothing at all then bang bang bang i tot im gonna be deaf due to the ultrasonic sound blasts all i see is smoke... hardly any firecrackers then there is the fireworks not as grand as new year's just pop a few nia zzz then squeeze our way back to the car (now i understand wad squeeze in ncc air really meant) then go home... slept at 3.30am zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
lol played audi with mingkian and his didi today. LOL owned by both of them in cc4 mingkians didi is pro-er hes got future... unlike me zzz mingkians beatup really improved... but cnt win me haha too bad la "one day u will be better than me in beatup... and i will wait for that day to come..."
wth why tmr no cny celebration??? SIAN LAH no money then say lah say wad too busy with the learning festival ALL SHIT MAN! bloody hell lah. and tmr got the stupid meeting for the leader thing 3pm to 5pm CANNOT GO BACK TO ROSYTH WTH SIAN!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry brothers!
lol today is the bridge making thing. well, we were pretty surprised that no one does our design... its like soooooo common... -.- anyway our bridge is the BEST MAN!!! THE BOARINGS (stupid group name) ROCKS!!! lol although we can support 800g weight in class... something broke while we were on stage and it can only support 750g... but its still the best!!! lol then did some sai kang work for the sec 1 orientation camp (seriously, what has THAT got to do with us?) moved some tables and chairs... then did some drills... then ppl tying the firewood i there slacking then moved table... then FREE DINNER!!! so happy cos the dinner is not like ncc air's annual camp one its a nice buffet. added lemon from the fish into my barley drink. lemon barley. nice...
so many ppl online lol e-learning sucks. (not ace learning sry)
today went to ''train for orienteering'' with my platoon mates well, we were supposed to jog but... ended up playing at the playground... LOL
lets say todays air training was a hell of a time! ok hell in a sense that it was ''fun''... met my future part a cadets all i can say is that they are damn enthu! so called la there was one super enthu one nicknamed ah-b. the joker of the part. played wacko and my name was hardly called... wensheis name was NEVER called! and the sec 1s are really having a hell of a time. then was pt!!! a real fun one (almost) non-stop pumpings and sit ups and my stomach pain like sh*t oh then the ranger cross it was real ''fun'', but due to unsuccessful landing after climbing the wall, ''crack'' goes my dear ankle. now it still hurts. it hurts everytime i walk... then fall in at foyer. asked to change to no.3 in 3mins.. every minute late we owe sir 50 we took 5mins... congratz pumped the hell outta myself. after that was dismissal... and interaction sad to hear that there is an ''anti-air-club'' created by ppl from 2A who quit ncc air
today was imt... its so sian my m-16 aiming was like wtf i only passed one stupid canadian bull well, at least thats better than nth my part had only 2 ppl who pass! (same as last year) and its not wenshei or eddie thats sad. then returned to school for some ''hell'' training marching under the sun sir raynor really removed that cute smiling face of his and scolding us like mad oops my sleeve dropped to elbow length during march then sir raynor looking at my sleeve! lucky nothing happened... phew then went home how do that crappy english newsletter homework? zzz
ok seems like theres absolutely NOTHING i can do to make wenshei change his mind about joining pds... aero training tmr! is senior going to kill me... ?
omg my printer f**ked up after printing that bloody chinese project the bloody error keeps popping up spamming and lagging my comp zzz SORRY SHUOJIAN!
imagine how shocked eddie was when he saw this card. a true SHOCKER. i own the most noobest card ever in dm!!!! muahahaha
cca open house tmr... 6.30am nid reach school alr so sian zzzzzzzz well im seriously sick of being in aero there so little training... see pds their training all so fun make me regret sia -.- i hope i at least i have the chance to join, although its too late let me think about it ^^
came back from ''training'' today. sian tmr got trainfire! leaving the class at 12.05pm. no nid do zuo ye ! so happy can slack slack slack thats y im blogging now still need read chapter one of that bloody lit book sian nvm i go play patapon BYE!!!
omg the class tee was like ridiculously small can i get a refund? lol
i officially ran out of things to do with the comp! im sick of audi sick of private server sick of online games SICK OF EVERYTHING!!! zzz can someone tell me something better to do??? sianed (why am i the science rep anw? WHY DID YOU CHOOSE ME??? lol)
(check out my max hp and mp) went to 'unity' pharmacy ytd to get a dumb medicine for the fungal growth between my fingers its been there for YEARS and to my horror we were just consulting the physician on how to use the medicine then she say my whole body is infected by fungal growth i was like what the f**k this shld be cured many years ago... its that my mum dun care wadever s**t skin problem was that its my aunt who brought me there! now erm... lets remind myself bath that s**t medicine conditioner 10 times a month apply the medicine conditioner to serious areas 10 mins before bath then use th s**t cream to apply on places where u can see the fungal growth ok thats about it sian sian sian...
go monkey hus today... audi audi audi... cnt believe monkey won me so many times!!! then go buy dm at amk NO FOIL!!! sian sia then der yunn msg me say he got fighter dual fang walao NOT FAIR!!! sian sian and my mom going to work!!! (finally) same job as my older sis LOL then everyday left me and my younger sis at home... ... ... PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!