Update on life: July 2013

So firstly.. I DID IT. IN ALL THOSE FACES WHO LAUGHED AT ME AND SAY I CAN NEVER GET IT WAHAHAHAHA Okay so you're now probably thinking "so what?" Yeah. It's not much of a big deal anyway. BUT I DID IT Okay so the officially most hated day of the week is Wednesday. Where I have to wake up at 7am and drag my heavy ass to advanced math class. At first I thought that I needed the "edge" in my diploma, since I didn't have a cca and shit. But then I realised.. will it really make a difference? Even if I get to skip the math module in uni, will it be good/bad (if you can score well in it, it would've been wasted)? And a hell lot of brain space wasted. So I'm just gonna bet on last-minute revision to even pass the module. Not intending to risk my core modules for that one... Most of my projects down. Almost all of them are done last minute :D We even "tonned" in NP one night to complete the design project. And before tha...