
Showing posts from February, 2013

Hey guys.

To the beloved few who read my blog, how are you guys doing? Just in case you wanna know, I've been doing pretty good. Almost all of my papers are over (1 left), and I'm pretty confident that I won't screw up any modules this time. :) I do hope you guys are getting lotsa cash from your angpaos, because I ain't really getting a lot ): And my luck in gambling is always going up and down.. Up and down.. I can be winning 30 bucks, and suddenly losing everything just in my 3 rounds as a banker. Yeah that feeling sucks a lot, but gambling ALWAYS comes with the risk of losing. So I guess it's pretty normal.. Anyway, it was a good day spent. Went to my AMMP lecturer's house this afternoon. Great talks and great time spent. And great time gambling as well (I lost quite a lot).. It's pretty hard to find a lecturer that is as "on" as him so.. Awesome. :D Went to Sakura for buffet and lo hei with NTUC colleagues. After that, we went to one of t