
Showing posts from August, 2009
finally, a PERSONAL photo on my facebook. except the fact that i looked like im gonna kill somebody. -_- tmr's teacher's day celebrations. obviously nt goin bak to that screwed primary school called rosyth which doesn't let ex-rosythians in! at most, a whole bunch of ex-rosythians crowded at the indoor basketball court, cnt go anywhr else. and security guards all around the school. its not like we want to bomb our own mother school rite? mrs celine ng is a BITCH. conclusion: rosyth school- good school, lousy principal.
first thing today was getting 1 demerit from mr tan. "adding mr tan on facebook during LESSON HOURS." home econs was shit today. the paper thingy for the cupcake flew off, as we had no "weights". she was screaming that our paper was on the floor. like a mad dog. picked them up and put them back in the baking dish. "DROP ON THE FLOOR ALR STILL WNA USE?! LATER FOOD POISONING THEN U NOE!" and she even had the ass to say those paper were VERY EXPENSIVE. gosh, how EXPENSIVE cn paper get? b!tch. and later i was creaming the butter shit, i needed 2 spoons to scrape off the butter into the bloody paper. mrs quek told me to get a SPOON. mind you, a SPOON. i took the small spoon. only to get suan-ed by that b!tch. "you are really getting on my nerves," and reached out for the BIGGER spoon. not my fault, she nvr fking specify. b!tch. camp proposal was .... today. dun rly wna tok abt it. everybody is just so damn sianed. of cca. okay, its my fault. I CANNOT
and i wish all my problems can be solved.
and today was a retarded day. realised that qunhan (his bro) was called JOHN. and its sooooooo true. today class was so hyper. i dunno why? o.o we started giving each other crazy names. even so, they really, REALLY suited us. except for my own. i am NOT robert. sounds like a fucktard, which i am. :x mingkian was named 'max'. wenshei was named 'lionel'. xincong was named 'jackie' (wtf?) shuojian was named 'lucas'. and lots of crap. since when "smacking the hand" game became so popular in class? smacked mk till "internal bleeding". im no better. pain pain. lol
& my dad's buying... A PARROT?! what a COMPLETE waste of money.
LAN-ed today. just realised that suddenattacking at lan is a total waste of money. played LEFT 4 DEAD! its funner than suddenattack, at least. much more bloodier. much more disecting-body-parts-er. and much more zombies! xD played 3 hours. and money fly again. first thing go home, get suan-ed by my mom. conversation (translated from chinese) : mom: why i cnt call u? me: prepaid no money. mom: why so fast no money? i tot u topped up only days ago (wtf?!)? me: sms lor. mom: sms who? GIRLFRIEND AR?! me: NO LAHHHHHHHHH!
okay air comp heats today suck-ed. plane crashed 3 times. 2 rubberbands lost. why can't fly? it's not really anyone's fault that we failed to run even a single lap, i think the problem is that we don't have enuf flying trngs... AND BAD LUCK! of course, its a good learning experience for all of us. look on th bright side. xD tis made me more determined than ever to learn how to fly line control plane in aero instructor course! I WILL BE BACK! nxt year. right now, im feeling badddddddddddddddd.
air comp training can really dishearten ppl. at first, all of us were sooooo happy that we cn finally fly the plane... but later, look at our faces when the plane crashed. propeller pointed towards the floor. skydive. motor busted. sad. well, leslie cant fly as well! spam crashes. competition is oni 2 days away. oh gauddddddddddddddd.
aero training was super-boring today. nth much to do, but worst thing... MY GRP'S PLANE GOT CHANGED FOR THE LOUSY ONE! dammit. i cant really believe flying 50 laps on friday with a plane that doesnt even have a motor. of course, i believe that ps puts more hope on the part b 25 laps thingy, but... hard work gone down the drain. walked to bus stop with rowena. talked a lot. :x THANKS ROWENA FOR THE POTATO SALAD! xD learn to LOVE garlics. HAHA
i nvr wanted a fair fight with you. i still cnt believe that i believed what you said. if u told me the truth earlier, i cn be mentally prepared. but now, it all happened within a flash. i still cnt believe it. now what im thinking is that u are a complete liar, to me, her and even yourself. i will have to find out the truth myself. and if i have the right to know, HE will have the right to know as well. sorry, i cnt get myself to trust you anymore. friendship means nothing now.
i FAILED live range! stupid figures 11 and 12 so hard to fire. even so, firing a REAl M-16 assault rifle is an experience that i will nvr forget. may be th last time firing a M-16, cos SAR-21 takes over! LOL look on th bright side. xD
HOME ECONS ROCKS TODAY! ME AND SAM'S LASAGNE ROCKS US UPSIDE DOWN! it tasted like hell! even though the "layering" part was ruined cos we had to split them up (TOO MUCH NOODLES ADDED WTF) IT STILL TASTED LIKE HELL MAN! 200x better than the goddamned spaghetti shyt we cook last last week. LOL cnt upload pics again. nvm (:
and soccer interhouse today. and i was fking extra thr. and i was just a substitute for mingkian. and i cant even do a proper corner throw. lol. WTF! ps called me to talk about the overseas trip. i was blogging and "unable" to pick up, my sis picked up, and when she knew it was a call for me, "EH THE PHONE NEXT TO THE COMPUTER ONLY LEH! HONGGAN!" IN FRONT OF MY PS! OMFGGGGGGGGGGG! i apologised to ps, of course. man, i hope we don't die for tmr's trng.... sob. one thing i'd wish for now is for my teeth to be neat.
MY SIS FOUND THE FIX TO THE BLOGGER PROBLEM! click create post, normally u cnt post pics, press ctrl + F5. haha. its been so long. i just wanna be friends with u agn. i've forgotten, or at least trying to forget what happened in the past. does the problem lie in you, or me? is it my fault that you've changed?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENSHEI!!! man, this shld be post 2 days ago. LOL
& it was normal ncc trng today. wth. C & C sucks! i had difficulty giving drills. kip getting scolded by ps and etc. even so, i learned alot of things today! thanks ps, for being so patient. hahaha && EDDIE STOP SMILING!!! tmr going shopping for wenshei's b'dae present. alone...
ok since no one is at home... i shall cook my crazy-kimchi-ramyun noodles for dinner. since im bored, i shall share my recipe! Ingredients: - 5 small chilli, crushed into bits - 1 tablespoonful of white vinegar - 2 tablespoonfuls of fish sauce (its something smelly, if you dunno wad it is) - 5 drops of sesame oil - 1 egg, whisked - a pinch of pepper - a pinch of salt - a pinch of effort - your TYPICAL kimchi ramyun instant noodles Directions: 1. cook your kimchi ramyun noodles. 2. when water is boiled add the egg. 3. wait for your noodles to finish cooking. 4. finally, add ALL the other ingredients inside your noodles. 5. TA-DA! Tip: add ketchup for "garnish". ketchup gives a funky twist to EVERYTHING! How do you know if you really ate the noodles? - red eyes - red nose - red cheek - unstoppable runny nose - swollen lips - extreme increase in body heat well, everything is worth a try!