and i thought uninstalling Norton Internet Security 2006 will make me able to play sa once again. but FCUK IT.
Showing posts from April, 2009
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ALL OF MY GAMES CANNOT PLAY! SIAN! SuddenAttackSEA: Error code -10000 SoldierFront: Time Error WolfTeam: Unable To Connect To Game Server. life is totally boar-ing without my favourite games. T_T at least still got audi. my bu skills deproved! look at the perfects -.- 1 miss not bad alr lah. CHEER UP KIANNY!
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(no one online in morning! sianzzz) weekends are like super-boaring manzzz ytd i spent 3 hours practically sitting on the sofa with my earpiece on and doin nothing. then i went to see my mum cook. well, at least i learnt: HOW TO COOK RICE? lol. and at nite 5 ppl were squeezing in one room to sleep. i was sleeping near the door, and it was squeezy. the door can't be opened unless i get up. and you know why? cos we turned on air-con. and to save electricity, 5 ppl slept 2gether in ONE room. and my mum always say... turn on air-con= turn on 13 normal fans WADEVER!
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fuckass science. playing around with the controller thingy. I ONLY PRESSED ONCE "F"! and i got 2 DEMERITS?! _l_ after sch... crazy traffic light at the 4-way junction to amk hub. one was flashing red, the other was flashing green yellow. all cars moving around retardedly. (im surprised there are no road accidents.) went for samuel's hus for fun. last dm tournament before exams. i was 2nd. zzz and here are some pictures of "going to samuel's block's fitness corner". am i supposed to post them? o.o monkey bar hangers. (look at mingwei's stressful face) shuenboon climbs the "fence'? shuenboon and shuojian (monkeys) climbing the "fence" near the fitness corner. yeah! smile!
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pe was boar-ing. we couldn't decide wad to play at first, in the end we played soccer. but i was the goalkeeper. boring... not a single ball flew in. -.- after sch stayed back for fun; or wait for mingwei... for his 2.4km re-run to finish. while waiting i ransacked qunhan's front pocket of his bag and he appeared out of nowhere and pushed me... I FLEW 2 TABLES AWAY FROM HIS TABLE! LOL his armpower really stunned me o.0 but he still cant climb wall. wahahaha nobody likes u, bastard. so fuck off.
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this post is NOT dedicated to mingwei (i understand u cnt come today cos ur mom don't allow) are you serious about ur projects at all? i mean, when eddie and i tried to msg u u nvr reply? and when i called u a girl picks up the call and acts blur? i refer that as slacking. we have pushed the deadline long enough. and i, everyone thought u were the ace member of our team. but... if u urself dun wanna do ur work, DONT SABO THE WHOLE GROUP! at least, if u cnt come, reply us 'wadever reason'? but u didnt even bother. and u guys always blame the leader. THE LEADER CANNOT PLAN. THE LEADER CANNOT DO WORK. THE LEADER SLACKS. please, look at urself in the mirror before u say these shits. u have changed alot from the first time i saw u. is it becos ur big? or wadever now the whole grp is gonna get killed by miss tan tmr. i doubt shes gonna extend the deadline anymore. and yah, i noe i can never win u in these lame quarrels cos u got almost the whole class on ur side. but u urself kno...
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rod today. it was supposed to be a happy day, but its more of a sad one. goodbye staffs and sergeants... and sir izuan and sir jonathan... and... HELLO PS! back to the good old days... o.o went to amk hub to top-up wensheis card. eddie pangseh-ed us and went wif chris... -.- but... when wenshei tapped the card on the machine... "invalid card" i tried to tap mine "invalid card" then show all the concession extension and those shit which i didnt understand... at leat i can still go home cos my card got 9 bucks. uh-oh. HOW TO TRAVEL TO SCHOOL WHEN EZ-LINK CARD NO MONEY?! -.- after that went to samuel hus play dm at 4pm plus. i think qunhan has a problem in his directions... he duno whr is exit A of amk mrt! zzz wasted so much time finding that noob ^^ SAMUEL! PLEASE TEACH JEROME SOME MANNERS! LOL
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directly after chinese oral which was quite easy. was the cug ceremony. we could not play the games cos we r in half no. 3. but the games are boring anw... =.= so instead of gaming we had drills(?) and freestyle prep to the freestylers in the hall. so happy that mr siva still blanjas us bubbletea. drank it during water breaks. eddie, gabriel and i were laughing our heads off seeing how syabiel marches. and leslie's laugh is SO CONTAGIOUS. fun trng. but we had to be serious,... rod tmr. had to wear today's stinky full no.3 sad... everyones leaving... NCC AIR WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! (again)
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yeah today is a happy day. napfa 5 items passed with "flying colours"? sit-up: 44 (same as wenshei!) sbj: 205 icp: 33 (chiong-ed) sit and reach: 37 shuttle run: 9.8sec (same as wenshei!) 2.4km run: 12min 30sec (suck-ed) and... I PASS IMT! LIVE RANGE, HERE I COME! btw gratz to eddie for getting marksman! ^^
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om camp is finally over... OM is finally over... a satisfying result of 4th place in our division. will be getting our trophies soon in front of school xD but... we could have gotten 2nd BECAUSE OF JINHENG!!! mw and haikal were busy setting up the prop on the actual show, and he was slacking and applying pressure on the prop instead! WASTED ALOT OF TIME. we overtimed by 46 (?) seconds... zzz 25 points FLY ... i know blaming anyone will not help... but... nvm good job everyone! btw joel's grp got the most creative performance award. not bad ^^ oh ya nvr tok about the camp. nth much, just finishing up the props and rehearsing. but we had a water party with the hosereel while cleaning up the area. me, ws, mw, bjorn and seniors got all wet! so fking fun. but now... its over and i dun think i will get used to the non om life. no more blanja from mr siva. sad overall, i found alot more about myself, that i can be really retarded... and made alot of new frens (seniors)! it was a really gr...
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omg samuel didnt come sch today. i think he 'broke' his leg cos of doing the ballet dance... xD jkjk om competition is coming in 3 days! dun get injured or anything... history test suck-ed. i dunno alot of questions, and i finished so early that i took a little nap. and woke up. I DROOLED ON MY PAPER! ewwwwww and then it was om. mr siva gave us time to do the castle thing. we made a 'graffiti' castle because of lack of ideas and excessive use of spray paint. lol then went home with ws and haikal. there was 3 74 buses in a row! LOL took the second one. dashed back to my hus cos my poop was about to come out. and pooped. xD
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just came back from another om camp.. just have nth to say cos its like sooo boring... bjorn pon at night ytd agn.. he say he coming bak but he didnt! zzz. but too bad mr siva treat us mac extra value meal upsize! wahahaha thats nothing to him becos... he have $13.750.27 in his posb bank acc! wahahahahahaha