yawn... i dunno if thomas they all really buyin me acash ornot if not i cant buy the top i like in audi! sianzzz iap was so lame today. had to log in to the comp for art, but i forgot my password and... wasted so much time just to reset it. the maths olypiad trng was... "fun". i learnt alot of those trick questions, but actually, they look chim but they are a piece of cake! sat beside the np guy called mingxian. (o.o) well, i learnt alot anyway. after that gone to wenshei hus to do the geo newsletter thing. we were... erm playing dm and hitting each other's dicks with toy golf clubs and mini soccer balls. lame thats all, gotta go play audi so bb!
Showing posts from February, 2009
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yay finally... today is first aero PRACTICAL trng!! well we were waiting at canteen at 3pm but seniors are duno doin wad.. then sir go fly plane. we wanted to see and rushed to parade square and saw... part c seniors in knock-it-down position. we dashed back to the canteen. trng started at about 3.30 sth, i guess. we had to cut out the parts of the line control plane with penknife. kianwai cut a few then went for tuition alr. pangseh-ed me, cos that was pair work... senior yinonn teached me personally. yay. cutting was easy... until i chopped my finger 1mm deep. lol then mixing the (forgot the name) glue, it stank. then senior yinonn talked abt y wenshei quit aero... then i think i finished my plane first. cleaned up and went home. quite boring day though. ==
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oh great finally a day not playing audi... let's waste time blogging. great now im currently stuck in my hus cos if i step out now im gonna die... my sis's ex's gang threatened to kill me when he called my sis say 'tell him im not in' then he called. i said shes not in and guess wad ''i know that shes in the hus rite now. she just stepped inside the hus and is now in the living room. if u dun pass the fone to her i will beat u up. u dun even need to step out of ur hus. my frens are nearby.'' omg im dead
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well, i pretty damn fed up with being a noob in audi... its damn sad... u hardly hear anyone say ''gratz'' to u... u get teased by ur frens and they call u noob everyday... (not queenie!) u get so little exp, making it forever to lvl up sian i tink im gonna quit audi soon when i find a mmo to play and make sure no one in class plays that game... so i wont be a noob anymore... well, GOODBYE AUDI! anw, mingwei's b'dae party ytd was damn fun! dun bother talking about it... zzz
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thats my artwork. see that RIDICULOUS blue colouring on the chin of the dragon? miss tay done it. seriously, she act smart go say ''must have the shadow effect blah blah blah'' then in the end she mistaken the dragon's chin for the leg WTF and coloured it. she ruined my art for good. I QUIT! ever ate chocolate with such a cute packaging? lol im lame
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damn it i hate chinese. seriously, dont u tink its abit fast to go through ONE KE WEN A DAY? and its like theres homework everyday... wtf man then the bi ji write all crap go home tell us do zuo ye with a blank look on my face walao damn f**ked up with chinese. aeromodelling test today! failed. but lucky nth happen ^^ after the test gone thru the paper... then sir raynor taught us pythagoras' theorem? LOL we had nth to do... went home with wenshei later. zzz